Monday, February 27, 2006

Parenting trials

You know, being a parent can be so hard!! My son really loves to go to the church on Mondays and watch daddy play volleyball. Well, he plays with his friends while daddy plays volleyball. It is a fun thing for all of us. Today, Todd was throwing a fit. I told him to stop or he would not get to go to the game. Instead of stopping, he chose to kick it up a notch. When I told him he wasn't going to go, he got upset. I hated to take that away, but he has to learn to get himself under control. The sad thing is, once he did calm down, he said in a weepy voice, " My friends are going to be sad because I am not there". How sad. However, I know that he had to receive discipline or else he would intensify that response to get his way. Boy it can be hard, though!!!

1 comment:

PatrickMead said...

You did the right thing. Your response to him could have been "You're right. I'm sure they'll be sad. I'm sad, too, but you made your choice when you didn't stop throwing a fit. Maybe next time you'll be able to stop in time. Think so? How do you plan to make yourself stop? How can I help?"

You're a good momma. God bless you and your son.