Monday, July 31, 2006
I love having a child that is able to express himself. Yesterday, I was laying on my bed trying to get rid of a headache. Brad was playing with Todd. He told me that Todd started to put stickers on my purse. When Brad questioned him, Todd told him he was trying to make a heart to show me how much he loved me. After much discussion, Todd decided to make me a card instead. He rushed in to my room to show me his card and how hard he had worked on it. Let's just say that is something I will cherish forever. There is nothing that can replace the words and actions of a child that show such extreme love and devotion!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The power of God
I have been really thinking about the power of God, lately. Sure, I think about it often, but it seems like this is something I find I have been thinking about in my private times. When I think about his power, so many things come to mind... thunderstorms, rainbows, birth of children, the human mind, the list could go on and on. What are a few things that you think of when you think about the power of God?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We had the chance to go to Galveston, Texas for vacation this year. Brad's dad lives there now so we went to spend the week with him. While we were that way, we decided to drive to San Antonio to Sea World. Todd loves sharks and water animals so we thought it would be fun. He LOVED it. We got there at 10:00 and did not leave until nearly 6:00. It was very hot but that did not keep him from walking all over the park. He loved the shows. We were one of a few select families that got our picture taken with Shamu. That was amazing to see the whales interact with their trainers! Todd also got to feed dolphins and sea lions. He thought that was really neat, too.
There was only one part he did not like. He thought he wanted to ride the log ride that was 6 stories tall. We tried to convince him otherwise, but he insisted he would like it. We decided that we would not know if he liked it if we did not give it a try (afterall, Brad and I would ride rollercoasters for a living). Well, he loved going up and hated coming down. After the first drop, he was crying and his heart pounding. There was nothing we could do, so he had to endure the last drop. Let's just say, he may never ride a log ride again!
It was nice to relax and spend time with family. It was something Brad really needed and deserved! Todd and I are so grateful that he works so hard in a job that is so difficult so that I can stay home!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Fourth of July
We had a very busy holiday weekend. My mother-in-law was here all weekend. We enjoyed her visiting. We also had Todd's birthday party on Saturday. Can I just say that party organizing can be exhausting!!! We had a great time, though. On Monday, we had a family fireworks party at my parents. Todd was so tireds after playing all afternoon in the scorching heat. We did fireworks and Todd loved them. He wanted more. Then, on Tuesday, we went to a nearby community to watch fireworks. It was a lot of fun. TOdd really enjoyed "the big fireworks". The bigger they were, the more he liked them. It was a fun weekend, but now we need a few days to recover and get back to normal. Hope you all had a great time.
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