Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fourth of July

We had a very busy holiday weekend. My mother-in-law was here all weekend. We enjoyed her visiting. We also had Todd's birthday party on Saturday. Can I just say that party organizing can be exhausting!!! We had a great time, though. On Monday, we had a family fireworks party at my parents. Todd was so tireds after playing all afternoon in the scorching heat. We did fireworks and Todd loved them. He wanted more. Then, on Tuesday, we went to a nearby community to watch fireworks. It was a lot of fun. TOdd really enjoyed "the big fireworks". The bigger they were, the more he liked them. It was a fun weekend, but now we need a few days to recover and get back to normal. Hope you all had a great time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ava still can't stay up late enough to go watch fireworks. We thought maybe this would be the year- but then she wouldn't take a nap so she was out at 8 PM. Maybe next year!!!