Monday, March 26, 2007

Music Tag

OK, I was tagged by Erika. I am supposed to list 7 songs I am either currently listening to or that mean something to me. I decided to explain them since some of them are new songs and are not well known. I really enjoy music, so picking 7 is difficult. So I had to do 8!

1). Calling For a Flood by John Waller- This is a new CD for me and this song is asking God to flood my life with Him and to take over every aspect of me. That is my desire... to be completely filled with Him!
2). Still Calls Me Son by John Waller- This song beautifully describes the love of God. That no matter what I have done or will do, God will be waiting with opened arms.
3). Stand in the Rain by Superchick- This song has been very important to me. The beat in this song is amazing but the words far surpass it. This song discuss that, even though we have pain, we should stand strong because eventually we will make it through the storm and be stronger. This has been such a blessing as I struggled with the inability to have another child. It helped me to realize I could stand in the pain and not drown. That one day, I would be finished with this storm. Powerful song!
4). My Wish by Rascal Flatts- This song is really good. It sums up many of the things I wish for Todd's life.
5). Only Imagine by Mercy Me- This is an older song but it hits me as much today as it did the first time I heard it. I can not wait for the day that I see my Lord. My mind can't fathom how great this is going to be!
6). If you Want Me To by Ginny Owens- This song was a big part of a turning point for me. After our situation in Oklahoma, I was left questioning a lot of things. I was angry and confused with God. I heard this song at a low in my spiritual life and it totally changed my mindset and my heart. My thoughts became lines from this song.."I'm gonna walk through the valley, if you want me to. It may not be the way I would have chosen.. but you never promised it would be easy, you only said I'd never go alone."
7). My Savior My God by Aaron Shust- This song is a good reminder that God is always there and will forever be my God. Todd loves to sing this song and I hope that the message is forever in his head!
8). Be Lifted High by Michael W. Smith- I love all of his music. This is a new song that I came across and loved this line, "And I fall on my knees so that it's You that they see". I hope that is how I live my life!

There you have it. Yes, I do listen to other songs that are not by christian artists. I just have so many that are that impact me daily!
I tag:

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Weight Loss

I have been attending Weight Watchers for 8 weeks. As of today, I have lost 17.6 pounds. It has not been hard, either. I have cut down what I eat, but have not gone to rabbit food and cardboard! I count my points and am careful about how I use them. I also exercise some but not much. Brad has lost over 30 pounds in the same time frame. I feel so much better. My energy has sky-rocketed! I hope to be much lighter soon. I will keep you updated!

Monday, March 12, 2007

It's been forever

No, I have not fallen off of the Earth! I have been so extremely busy the last few weeks. I keep a girl normally one day a week but for 2 weeks had her 4 days a week. Also, I am organizing VBS this year and that is taking LOTS of time. On top of that, Todd is starting soccer and that takes time and we went with the teens to winterfest in Gatlinburg. And, most importantly, I am putting together applications for teaching jobs. Anyway, I have been busy. I will try to post more later!