Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Random thoughts

Life has been so hectic lately. I feel as though I can hardly breath some days. Brad is traveling quite a bit right now. I am just thankful he is not still working in Chicago Monday-Thursday every week like he was 2 summers ago. Anyway, I will write a few things that have been running in my head.

This economy crisis is driving me nuts! I know so many people that are loosing their jobs and there is no real end in sight. I really feel for those that are feeling the hits. I know some of you that read this are in that boat. Please know that I pray for you often! I have been in a position of stress due to money.

I cannot believe how fast Jackson is growing up. He crawls, sits himself up, says Ma-Ma, and pulls up to his knees. This will be our last child, unless God decides something different. I really kind of wanted him to stay a baby at least the normal time. Instead, he is quick to grow up. I have always heard, "Time goes fast once you have children" and it really does. Well, some days seem like they will never end :).

Well, now that I have bored you all, I guess I will get back to work. I have so many things to do. Blogging and Facebook should not be on there.

1 comment:

tamblair said...

I'm glad to hear you are doing well! Isn't it funny how much more work being a mom becomes with adding one more child??? There's just not enough time in the day...