Wednesday, September 30, 2009

troubled times

I have become a reviewer for Thomas Nelson books. I get to pick a book and read it and then post reviews of the book. I am just now on my first book. I will be posting a review of it soon, but this was too good to wait.

I have been feeling a little overwhelmed at times lately. I know so many people that have been struggling. I had considered posting this but had not gotten around to it. After reading my friend Tamara's post, I decided this would be a good time to post it. I am obviously not the only person feeling overwhelmed.

As I look over our daily e-mails, I am seeing so much sickness, death, children with difficulties, people taking their own lives, losing jobs, losing homes, etc. You name it and I seem to know someone dealing with it. It is often times like these that I begin to wonder where God is. Sure, I know he is in the midst of it, but where is his stance and why is all of this happening?

In the book I have been reading, it discussed the Israelites. In Jericho, there was a 15' high wall. It was impossible for the Israelites to penetrate the wall on their own. However, God knew that the land He had promised was on the other side. Then, they had to cross the river. How could they do these things? Was it an easy feat? I don't think so. They stepped out in faith. They trusted God and did as they were told. None of it made real sense to them. They did not wait for the obstacle to move, they just walked out in faith. They took the first step. Some days, that is all we can do is take the step. We don't have the energy to go any further.

That is how I feel right now. These problems are like that 15' wall or that river. There is NO way we can solve these problems alone. We must just step out in faith and let God take over. We have to continue to worship Him in full confidence that He is in control and on the other side is the land he has promised us.

As we step, we must not do it alone. We have to have support from those around us. I think that is the point of all of these trials. We have become so self-dependent. We do not think we need anyone else. We think we can do it alone. I think with all of our struggles, we are turning more to God and those around us. I believe God is thinking, "They are finally getting it". So, as we struggle, let's help one another and ask for deliverance from these trying times!

1 comment:

tamblair said...

I am glad to see I am not the only one feeling overwhelmed... I'm not glad you're overwhelmed, but I think you know what I mean. I'll be interested to hear your full review of the book. And I think the only thing we can do is keep going and praying and trusting all will be better soon.