Thursday, September 29, 2011
What is an ex teacher to do?
Todd has always done well in school. Part of that is he is very smart and part of that is because teaching was my profession and I know various ways to help him overcome things. Unfortunately, he has a touch of test anxiety, which he gets from me. I hated tests and still the thought of them makes me a little nervous. He copes well and always listen to my advice. Hmm, how long will that last?
Anyway, Todd's lowest grade even on his report card has been a 93 and that was only a 9 week grades. His lowest yearly grade has been a 95. Like I said, the boy is smart. Well, this year when his progress report grade came home (at 2 weeks and again at 6 weeks), I was shocked to see he had a B in Social Studies and almost a B in reading. At 2 weeks, I blew it off thinking it was adjustment to changing classes and having multiple teaching styles to adjust to. He was also getting pulled for speech in Social Studies and we took care of that by dropping speech. But at the 6 week report, he had dropped to a B in Reading and pulled his Social Studies to an A but just by a point. He was also sent home with a test they take to see how much of the 4th grade material they know before it is taught. He was in the 96th percentile in the state in math and 88th percentile in Reading. He had almost mastered everything before it was taught. This raised a red flag to me. Why, if he knows the material is he making a B?
All of that to say this... It is hard for an ex-teacher to not get very frustrated at this. When I analyzed his progress report here were his grade.. Math 105, Science 100, English 100, Reading 89 and Social Studies 94. Here is the kicker the same teacher teaches both Reading and SS b/c that is his homeroom teacher. My first question to Todd was where was his desk and did he sit by someone he was talking to instead of listening. Long story short, something was not right so I set up a conference. In my opinion, she should have realized something was not right b/c he did so well on his test and his grades are so drastic, but she didn't. When I spoke with her she was not concerned and even commented on his good behavior and his intelligence. I had a hard time in that meeting. I found her to be a little cold and unconcerned about things. She had an attitude of he is doing better than most.
Anyway, she knew I was a little hot on her trail. I commented on the lack of study information for reading and skewed grades. She seems to have revamped some but it is not all done. I still have to basically re-teach everything from her class. I guess I am unofficially homeschooling in those 2 subjects. Report cards come out soon. If he makes a B in one of those classes, he will be crushed. I hope we have resolved it.
Being an ex-teacher can be a curse....
Anyway, Todd's lowest grade even on his report card has been a 93 and that was only a 9 week grades. His lowest yearly grade has been a 95. Like I said, the boy is smart. Well, this year when his progress report grade came home (at 2 weeks and again at 6 weeks), I was shocked to see he had a B in Social Studies and almost a B in reading. At 2 weeks, I blew it off thinking it was adjustment to changing classes and having multiple teaching styles to adjust to. He was also getting pulled for speech in Social Studies and we took care of that by dropping speech. But at the 6 week report, he had dropped to a B in Reading and pulled his Social Studies to an A but just by a point. He was also sent home with a test they take to see how much of the 4th grade material they know before it is taught. He was in the 96th percentile in the state in math and 88th percentile in Reading. He had almost mastered everything before it was taught. This raised a red flag to me. Why, if he knows the material is he making a B?
All of that to say this... It is hard for an ex-teacher to not get very frustrated at this. When I analyzed his progress report here were his grade.. Math 105, Science 100, English 100, Reading 89 and Social Studies 94. Here is the kicker the same teacher teaches both Reading and SS b/c that is his homeroom teacher. My first question to Todd was where was his desk and did he sit by someone he was talking to instead of listening. Long story short, something was not right so I set up a conference. In my opinion, she should have realized something was not right b/c he did so well on his test and his grades are so drastic, but she didn't. When I spoke with her she was not concerned and even commented on his good behavior and his intelligence. I had a hard time in that meeting. I found her to be a little cold and unconcerned about things. She had an attitude of he is doing better than most.
Anyway, she knew I was a little hot on her trail. I commented on the lack of study information for reading and skewed grades. She seems to have revamped some but it is not all done. I still have to basically re-teach everything from her class. I guess I am unofficially homeschooling in those 2 subjects. Report cards come out soon. If he makes a B in one of those classes, he will be crushed. I hope we have resolved it.
Being an ex-teacher can be a curse....
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
8 months.. can it be?
Dear Little Bit,
How can it be that you are already 8 months old? Time is moving so quickly! It does not help that you are in a hurry to grow up. You are getting a mind of your own. We say that you act a lot like Todd and you favor him, too. I think you are going to be extra busy like Jackson. There is no doubt you are going to make sure you get attention! This month has brought about lots of movement! You learned to crawl with perfection. You can go anywhere you want to go. However, that is not your preferred method. You wan to walk! You love for us to hold your hands and let you walk. The walker is no longer good enough. This is wearing me out because I do have things to get done in a day beside just walking you around! You can hold on to the side of your bed and not fall. You have also taken a few steps but you are not stable enough to do that yet. You are working on pulling up. The best thing is to hear you "talking" in the mornings. That sweet voice that is making so many sounds is great.
You love to explore things on your own. You are going to be very smart!
Your smile still melts all of our hearts!
Everything has to go into your mouth! That means I have to make sure things stay swept and picked up. You always seem to find things you are not suppose to have, like peanut butter!
You are getting so big and too quickly! You bring such love and laughter to our family! Love you sweet baby!
How can it be that you are already 8 months old? Time is moving so quickly! It does not help that you are in a hurry to grow up. You are getting a mind of your own. We say that you act a lot like Todd and you favor him, too. I think you are going to be extra busy like Jackson. There is no doubt you are going to make sure you get attention! This month has brought about lots of movement! You learned to crawl with perfection. You can go anywhere you want to go. However, that is not your preferred method. You wan to walk! You love for us to hold your hands and let you walk. The walker is no longer good enough. This is wearing me out because I do have things to get done in a day beside just walking you around! You can hold on to the side of your bed and not fall. You have also taken a few steps but you are not stable enough to do that yet. You are working on pulling up. The best thing is to hear you "talking" in the mornings. That sweet voice that is making so many sounds is great.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Strong Enough- Matthew West
I heard this song on the way to a doctor's appointment today and it brought tears to my eyes. It was as if Matthew West had been in my house back in 2007 when we lost our baby girl. Through my tears and wailing, I told my mom, "He must think I am stronger than I am". I was angry at times and then I felt a peace that I have never felt. It was a strength that I cannot explain. My heart had been ripped out yet I had the strength to go through the D and C and all of the follow up appointments. I felt His strength at that time unlike any other. If you haven't listened to this song before, please listen. It has a great message.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Jackson can be very strong-willed. He also knows how to push people's buttons. Last night was one of those nights for him. After we got home from church, he decided to refuse to get out of the van. He climbed in the back corner and began to buckle himself up. I was trying to get Luke out and get them all in the house and ready for bed. Jackson knew this and was very aware that Daddy was not home to help with the battle. He decided to dig his heels in and refuse to obey. I was in no mood to deal with it so I told him if he didn't get out and carry his book in I would throw it in the trash. Now, this book is his favorite book. It is a free book that is on display at Home Depot that depicts all of their tractors, lawn mowers, weed eaters, etc. He loves this book! As you can probably guess, he refused to do as I asked so I marched in the house and threw it in the trash after pleading with him to do as I had asked. He wouldn't.
Shortly after walking in the door, a man from church called to ask a question. When I got off the phone, I knew Jackson had quit the fit. I walked in his room and he had the book looking at it in awe of its greatness. I asked him if he had gotten that out. He stalled and Todd chimed in, "I got it out." I took it back and told Jackson that he had not obeyed. I went on to explain to Todd that he had disobeyed after numerous chances. The book would have to be thrown away. As I walked into the kitchen, Todd followed. With a shaky voice he began to plead Jackson's case. The following is our conversation:
T: "But it is his favorite book"
M: "I know it is but he has to learn to obey."
T: "Can't you give him one more chance?"
M: "I gave him 4 chances and he didn't do it. He is out of chances."
T: "I know he has to learn his lesson, but can't you teach him with something else?"
M: "Why. He heard what I told him."
T: "He will miss that book so much. I don't think I stand to see him be so sad."
Then, I looked up and Todd's face was so pure and loving. He was almost crying over this. It was then that I realized he was so full of mercy.
Isn't that the way our Father is. He ask us to obey and we look right at him and stomp our feet and refuse. We think we know better. Yet, he is forgiving and gracious.
Shortly after walking in the door, a man from church called to ask a question. When I got off the phone, I knew Jackson had quit the fit. I walked in his room and he had the book looking at it in awe of its greatness. I asked him if he had gotten that out. He stalled and Todd chimed in, "I got it out." I took it back and told Jackson that he had not obeyed. I went on to explain to Todd that he had disobeyed after numerous chances. The book would have to be thrown away. As I walked into the kitchen, Todd followed. With a shaky voice he began to plead Jackson's case. The following is our conversation:
T: "But it is his favorite book"
M: "I know it is but he has to learn to obey."
T: "Can't you give him one more chance?"
M: "I gave him 4 chances and he didn't do it. He is out of chances."
T: "I know he has to learn his lesson, but can't you teach him with something else?"
M: "Why. He heard what I told him."
T: "He will miss that book so much. I don't think I stand to see him be so sad."
Then, I looked up and Todd's face was so pure and loving. He was almost crying over this. It was then that I realized he was so full of mercy.
Isn't that the way our Father is. He ask us to obey and we look right at him and stomp our feet and refuse. We think we know better. Yet, he is forgiving and gracious.
Romans 9:15-17
New International Version (NIV)
15 For he says to Moses,
“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[a]
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[b]
So, in the end, I agreed to allow him to earn it back by obeying and going to bed the correct way. He did that so he know has the book back today. Todd is relieved and has no idea that he made me reanalyze my father's mercy!
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