It seems impossible that Jackson was born 3 years ago today. We had tried to have a child for so long. He sent us Jackson after a long wait and I know it was the perfect timing! Jackson came out screaming and has kept us on our toes ever since! He is so full of life. He greets us every morning (usually at 5:00 am) by saying, "Good morning". He loves to sleep right next to me and would do it all night every night if I allowed it to happen.

There is no child more loving than Jackson. He keeps me alert and thinking at all times. His ability to imagine and pretend is so great.

I love to watch him play because there is always a reason behind what he is doing. He loves to go to school and see "Miss Grandma".

His singing melts my heart.

You know your alphabet and recognize most letters and their sound. You can count, recognize your shapes, do just about anything physical you want to, understand words far above your head, and have a vocabulary that is very advanced. We are still working on potty training. Those food issues are causing major issues in that department. You struggle with your colors and I think it is because you are color blind. We will be getting that looked at soon.
Tractors, weed eaters, leaf blowers, gas cans, sucking your thumb, wearing your goggles, and saying your prayers are things that stick in my mind about you. Oh how I love you!

My dearest Jackson,
You are a bright light in my life. You captured my heart on the day you were born and continue to do so today. Some days, you test me and my patience. Unfortunately,sometimes you get the best of me and I am working hard on that. You are so smart that you amaze me at the things you do and the way you think. You love learning and it is very apparent. You love your grandma and would live with her if I would let you. I often call you my mini me because you act so much like I did when I was your age. Buddy, I love you so much and thank God for you all of the time. You make our household full of life and laughter. God blessed us more than we could ever have imagine on October 7, 2008 and I am glad He did!