Thursday, December 14, 2006

I cannot imagine..

I was laying on the bed with Todd as he was preparing to go to bed. We had exchanged our "I love yous" and he was curled up getting relaxed. It was at that moment that I began to think about what my life would be like if I did not have Todd. I am sure I would have more money, but no one's face would light up when I showed them the vary rare Cars character that I had purchased. I would probably have the BMW that I have always wanted, but no one to sing "How Great is our God" with me while driving down the road. I would probably have a bigger house, but I would not hear the patter of feet running around in it. I would have more free time, but what would I do with it? I am sure I would have more sleep, but I would miss out on the sweet hugs and cuddles from my precious son. I cannot fathom how different my life would be without Todd. God gave me this precious soul that lights up my whole life. As many of you know, we have tried to have another child for quite some time and have had no success. For a while, I was so upset that I was not able to have another child. It was then that I realized that God had given me the most precious gift and all I could focus on was what I did not have. It took me some time to change that mentality. I still long for another child ;however, I have a son that keeps me busy and I am blessed far more than most people.

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