Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Todd Funny

Todd is such a literal child. This quality makes him hilarious at times. 2 years ago you may remember that the staph infection made it's debut. Everyone was going crazy that we would all die from it. the school had sent out numerous sheets explaining how they were sterilizing and keeping things clean. I was teaching this year so I was able to hear all of the conversations taking place at school. They were encouraging ridiculous amount of hand washing and sterilization. It had become such an ordeal that the central office ran out of paper towels. They became a hot item. So, the new spill was keep your hands sanitized but use only one paper towel because they have to cut down trees to make those. Now, fast forward 2 years to yesterday. As I pulled up to the patio to drop Todd off, I commented that they had chopped down the shrubs. Now, I wish I had a picture of before and after of these shrubs. They were huge and now they are a stub. At this point, Todd is quiet. He is a nature loving soul that hates to think of any animal or tree being destroyed. Suddenly, very matter-of-fact, he says, "The school must have needed paper towels". Then, we pull up to see the shrubs on the other side of the porch look the same. He groans and says, "The must have REALLY needed paper towels". Inside I was cracking up but he was as serious as he could be. I admit, I didn't say anything because if I had told him the truth he would have been very upset. Literal children are so much fun!

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