Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cast Of Characters by Max Lucado

I was able to review the book Cast Of Characters: Commom People in the Hands of an Uncommon God by Max Lucado. I enjoyed the book greatly. This book was an easy to read book but was packed with insighful words. In this book, Max Lucado looks at many characters from the Bible that were common people. He shows the way that God used those common people to further His kingdom. Some of these characters are very familiar one and others are less common people in the Bible. In each chapter, he helps relate that to our lives today. There are also a few questions at the end of each chapter as well.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. It was not hard to read but challenged me at the same time. I will say that if you are an avid Max Lucado reader, you may not like this book. Each of these chapters are pulled from previous books of his. You may have already read these ideas before. I would recommend this book to someone that wants an easy, fast book to read that will still challenge you to become a better person and to realize that God can use even the common person for His work!

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