Tuesday, August 24, 2010


That pretty much sums up my feeling right now. As January approaches, I realize how much I need to get done before we add another baby to this family! I have just moved Jackson from a bottle to a sippy cup, which was a HUGE battle. I also am going to move him out of the crib over Fall Break so it does not mess up Todd at school. I would also like to start the potty training process some. Add on top of all of that the organizational stuff that has to be done and I am thinking January of 2012 I might be ready for a 3 child!

No, really, I am really starting to wonder how I am going to deal with a 8 1/2 year old, a 27 month old that is in to EVERYTHING, and a newborn!! I know I will do it and it has been done before but sometimes I wonder if I will come out of this experience sane! I may be so tired that I sleep for 10 years after they are grown!!

However, I think about the this verse: Psalm 127:3-5 (The Message)
"Don't you see that children are God's best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don't stand a chance against you;
you'll sweep them right off your doorstep."

I am blessed with 2 amazing kids and God found fit to bless us with another child. We will be full of children in our house but also full of laughter and joy. So, I will turn the worries and fears over to God and enjoy my little blessings!


Jeni said...

Carrie, I understand! Wendy was 32 months old when David was born, and it was a big adjustment. One thing that helped a LOT was wearing David in a sling or other carrier. I've got a MobyWrap and a BabyBjorn that you're welcome to borrow. I also have a Beco carrier that we're still using, because it's rated up to 45 lbs and can be used in a back carry; we might be done with it before your new baby gets too big.

There were plenty of times I'd stick David in the carrier and then go outside with Wendy or whatever. They also help a LOT for grocery shopping. I thought it was a lot easier to carry David like that then to use the car seat - it was easier on my healing incision.

tamblair said...

It's much easier to be swept away in the anxiety when you are raging with hormones and sleep deprived as well!! But think back to the anxiety you felt when you were pregnant the first time - God will provide you everything you need when this little one comes! I bet he or she will be the most laid back baby EVER!!! :) Praying for you!

Unknown said...

I really like that verse! Thanks for sharing it. Just think what a big help Todd will be. In a few years, you'll have a built in babysitter! And I agree with Tamara, Shey was such a laid back baby compared to Peyton. I pray your third will be the same!

Gina said...

I understand, believe me, except I don't have an 8 year old. Mine are 6, 5, 3 (4 in October), and a 12 month old. God's grace is always there, even when I feel overwhelmed with all there is to do. And you are right, they are a precious gift from God! They are also a big part of keeping me so close to Him <3