Monday, November 22, 2010

Just Strange

I do not know how many of you had strange dreams when you were pregnant, but I do. I just have to share my dream from this weekend. If any of you would like to try to explain it, go ahead! :)

I was at the Orpyland Hotel for a spiritual conference for mothers. I was with a variety of people I knew. Some of you were there. We were sitting outside on the grass waiting to enter the building for the key note speaker. We were all having fun until we heard a bizarre sound. We looked up and we could see hundreds of airplanes evenly spaced in the sky. We could see them in all directions as far as we could see. Then, we noticed they were dropping barrels that were attached to parachutes. We instantly were terrified. We realized that it was bombs that were going to explode upon contact. We had no way to get away. After sheer panic for a moment we decided to pray. I lead the prayer and was trying to focus on that and not watch the barrels, which were coming fast. We concluded our prayer, which was basically informing God that we were very scared and to not let this leave us severely injured. We wanted to be totally fine or dead. After the prayer, we decided that this was a terrorist attack. We knew that these people would know that destroying that many mothers and grandmothers would demolish our society. We then began to sing and read scripture try to stayed focused on God. Suddenly, we saw men in white jumpsuits landing. They looked like they were chemical warfare suits. At this point, the barrels were very close. We decided to begin praying as they landed. We were all peaking as we were praying. Suddenly, one of us busted out laughing. The rest of us found that odd and feared it was part of the chemical attack. No, instead, we discovered the barrels were full of trial size potato chips, Frisbees, back packs, etc for a marketing promotion from a chip company. We gathered out loot, headed into the building, and went on about our worshipping.

Strange, huh?


tamblair said...

Oh, honey... this sort of thing has been a nightly event for me lately. I have strange dreams all the time. At least you got some potato chips in your dream, right? :) I wouldn't begin to know how to decipher it - seems to be one of those anxiety driven ones that we all have!!!

Rebecca said...

I am not going to even attempt to explain that one.

Kristin said...

I was getting anxious just reading about it... but enjoyed the comic relief at the end. Mmmm... chips!

Unknown said...

I think it means everything will work out in the end. Or chips are yummy.

Brandy said...

God answered your dream prayer... just like He answers our awake prayers!