Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh so hard

As I begin writing it is almost 1:30 am and I should be asleep but I just can't sleep. I have so much on my mind that I can't rest. I am having such a hard time not being able to hold Luke yet. He is so adorable and I want to be able to hold him and give him those loving hugs and kisses that Todd and Jackson got but I can't. I know that God is in control of this situation and I know that Luke is in His care. I also have complete faith that God will heal my baby but it just doesn't seem fast enough. I am working on that. I can't wait to see Luke's personality. I know he was our little gift from God. Please continue to pray for that healing and pray for me and those after pregnancy hormones that are going crazy! Here is my sweet baby!


Gina said...

Praying with the realization that he is indeed in God's hands.
My youngest two children went back into the hospital as quickly as we came home and were in the NICU for quite a bit, one in an induced coma with a ventilator tube and an NG tube as well. It was the hardest thing to watch him, but he was in God's hand and they are both healthy today.

tamblair said...

Oh. Carrie... you have been in my thoughts and prayers so much! I know it's so hard not being able to scoop him up and love on him, and I pray that he will be strong enough for that VERY SOON!!!!! Praying for you!!!