Saturday, I was able to go to an Alabama football game. That is always fun to me, but this time it was more special than usual. I got to go with my dad. We loaded up an drove to Tuscaloosa, watched the game, and drove back that night. It was so much fun. It has been a really long time since we were able to do something with just us. When I was in high school, my dad and I went to all but 2 basketball games one year. We drove to see the away games. My mom was at most of those with us, but that was something special that my dad did for me. I did not realize how much he was sacrificing until I got older. The Alabam football game was a win and so that made this day even better!! I am so lucky and blessed to have such a great relationship with all of my family! So many people do not have that kind of relationship with their dads and I feel sorry for them. It is a relationship that I treasure. Roll Tide, Daddy!