Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fire station

Today Todd's class took a visit to the fire station. Several classes walked to the station. It was about 45 degrees when we left. It was a lot of fun. They got to pretend drive the biggest engine and they walked in several more. They also saw their living quarters. Todd thought it was funny that they had to sleep there. There were only two problems. First one was that they got a phone call needing their attention. They had to move all of the kids so that 3 trucks could leave. The youngest kids were scared by the fast change in plans. The bigger kids were afraid that it was their house on fire! The second problem was that they had a man come out in a dalmation costume. Todd and many other kids were not a big fan of that! His favorite part was walking over the train tracks and seeing the buffers on the side track. What can I say, he loves trains!!

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