Monday, October 09, 2006

The gentle touch

Last night, I was laying down next to Todd as he was preparing for bed. We had been talking and laughing. He had just calmed down and was about to drift off to sleep. It was at that moment that he reached over and rubbed my face. It was the sweetest, kindest rubbing that can ever be imagined. It was obvious it was a touch of love. It brought tears to my eyes. It was then that I thought about the many times in the Bible Jesus touched someone and they were healed. Yes, I realize Todd's touch had no healing power, but I can only imagine how kind and loving Christ's hand touch must have felt. There is no wonder it changed so many lives, not just physically but it changed the mind-set of people forever. I hope to feel that touch one day but until then, I will cherish every gentle pat from Todd!

1 comment:

Franklin Wood said...

I was putting Fischer to sleep the other night, when he leaned back, looked me in the face and smiled! Then he leaned forward with his mouth open and gave me a kiss! If that wasn't cute enough, he laid his head back on my shoulder, put his hand up, and played with my goatee!! it was great!
hey, how's Todd doing? I know you had said he had some bleeding problems or something before...everything OK now?