Thursday, January 04, 2007

A time of reflection

At the beginning of a new year, I like to look back over the year and reflect on things that have happened. However, I also like to look to the upcomimg year and think on things that will begin.
2006 was a good year. It had a lot of eventful things to remember.

We were very blessed for Brad to get a new job. Todd and I have enjoyed having Brad around more and for him to be far less stressed. He works less time and gets paid more. God truly was watching over us and leading us in this decision.

We have been very involved in church this year. After many paiful years, we decided we were ready to get involved with the teens again. We teach the middle school class and we love it!!! We have also stayed very connected with our church family this year and developed very important relationships.

Todd turned 4 years old and started preschool. He loves school and is doing well. This has been a year full of excitement for him! He is smart and witty so he keeps us laughing!

My mom's health seems to be doing well. She had no new lesions and that was a good sign!! We pray that God will continue to bless her with health.

I had a lot of personal health bills this year due to my gall bladder. I am relieved that it was nothing more serious but I do not understand how something so small can be so expensive!!

Now for things in 2007...

Todd will turn 5!! That is impossible for me to believe! Time has gone so fast that I can't believe it. He will also begin Kindergarten. This is exciting to him and sad to me. Where has the time gone?

Since Todd will be in school full time and we have no other children (as of yet), I will be looking for a teaching job. I look forward to the extra cash, but not the time and effort that it will require. Please keep me in your prayers that I will find a job that will be a good fit.

We are working hard to pay off debt. This has aquired since we moved from Oklahoma and were tight on money. We want to pay it off!!!

We are going to Winterfest in Gatlinburg, TN. This is a youth rally I attended as a teen and I am looking forward to returning. It was a big highlight and uplifting time for me each year.

I want to be more focused on Christ's vision for me than ever before. I want to truly seek his face this year.

I know this year will be a great year. I look forward to a lot of firsts and a lot of memories. I pray that you all have a wonderful 2007 that is blessed and happy. May God lead us all to be better people that shine brighter for Him and affect more people!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow- back to teaching! That is exciting. I know it's an involved and tiring process to get a job but you are a great teacher and your students will be so blessed to have you!