Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Where to begin?

It has been almost 1 month since I updated my blog. There has been so much that I really do not even know where to begin. I guess I will go in chronological order not order of importance. I will report on our VBS. Some of you have asked and here is the run-down. It turned out great!!! We had 92 kids and just over half were visitors. Many of the visitors do not attend church anywhere so it was truly an outreach! The kids had a good time and the church members were able to spend some time socializing with the community parents. We had rented an inflatable slip n dip for the kids to use in an activity and kept it for several hours after VBS. We did not let parents know that the kids would be able to slide after VBS so that they would be there to supervise their own kids and so we could spend some time in a non-threatening environment to get to know them. It was a lot of fun. For future reference kids love the water theme. It attracted swarms of people! We even had a man that had been considering baptism say that his son's excitement lead him to make that decision. Talk about the power of God. Thank you all for your prayers. Brad and I were absolutely exhausted after we were done, but it was during that phase that we were really able to allow Christ to do His work.


Unknown said...

you did an awesome job putting it all together- way to go!

Unknown said...

Glad everything went well!