Okay, this week has been crazy. First, our phones were messed up which made my
Internet out of commission. Can I just say that I am really dependent on it! I was able to use Brad's at night. The problem with that is that I am so tired at night that I could not function. The only thing I really did was check on my friend's baby who is in
NICU. Please keep them in your prayers. I cannot imagine how exhausted and emotionally drained they are!
On top of that, I have been trying to get ready for
Jackson's arrival. I have done so many loads of baby laundry getting ready. We had a shower on Sunday and got lots of cute outfits that I washed up. We got some really good stuff that we needed like blankets and things like that. We are blessed to be a part of a
wonderful church family!
After all of the prep time, I am now realizing just how close October 7
th is. I told Brad that we will see just how much difference 6 years make. I pray that recovery is as fast as it was for Todd. I find it funny that I feel like a first time mom again. It has been so long. I feel anxious just like I did with Todd. We are very excited, though. God has blessed us with another little boy and we can't wait to meet him.
Well, as you can see, I am tired and rambling so I will stop now!