Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's been a while

I will try to quickly update things. I really plan to post some more pictures soon! Here are the highlights:
  • Todd has adjusted amazingly well. After all, he was an only child for 6 years! He wants to hold him and kiss him constantly!
  • Jackson does not sleep at night. He has stomach issues from 11:00 pm to 4:30 am. Yes, I have to hold him that entire time or he cries, no he screams!
  • I am feeling good now but had to get on an antibiotic because I was running a fever if 101 for several days. Brad stayed home and worked from here so he could help. My mom did a few all night watches so I could sleep. I am feeling much better now!
  • We took Jackson for his 2 week check-up yesterday. He had grown 1/4 of an inch and weighed 9lb 5 oz. He obviously doesn't have problems eating.
  • We were told we couldn't take him to church until he was 2 months because of flu season and cold season. That is a downfall to having a baby in the fall and not the summer. The doctor said if he ran a fever at his age, we would hospitalize him immediately. We don't want that so we will keep him in.

Well, that sums things up for now. I am off to do a couple of things while he is asleep. This is his time of sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This makes Garrison's sleep schedule look like heaven...haha. Tell Jackson that we are supposed to SLEEP during this time. I try to put Garrison down around 10:30 then he usually gets up at 1 and 4. Sometimes around 6 he is wide awake then he will sleep all morning and afternoon. I am glad that Todd is doing well. I think he is old enough to not throw major tantrums like Fischer! Fischer is struggling....especially now that my parents are leaving tomorrow...pray for!