Friday, December 05, 2008

2 months

It is hard to believe that Jackson is 2 months old! Time is going so fast. I wished I could slow it down. I look at Todd and realize just how fast life is moving.

Jackson is doing much better. He now sleeps at night at least 4 hours straight. He is so much fun. He has begun to coo and smiles a lot. He is much happier now that he is not having problems with formula. He has had a bad stomach virus, though. He lost some weight and actually had blood in his stool yesterday (microscopically). We are having to watch him because this can mean he is still having problems with his formula. If that is the case, we have to move to prescription formula that can only be ordered form the manufacturer. It will cost $80 a week. Please pray that this is not the case. That would be a car payment a month. I guess it is good that we just paid our car off!!

He was 22 1/4 "and 11lbs 13 oz

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww! I just want to snuggle his neck!