We celebrated Todd's 8th birthday. I can't believe he is getting so big. I am so in love with this boy. His heart is amazing and he keeps me laughing. He has really begun to ask about becoming a christian is really studying that and asking questions. He is not ready yet but his heart is so tender, it won't be too many more years. He is a true blessing in our lives. He has been the one praying for another baby, by the way! I am telling you he has a great relationship with God!
This precious boy is still not sleeping through the night most nights. He is getting his 2 year molars and is struggling with them. We say he just wants to keep us prepared for no sleep come January. His language is exploding as well as his personality. He is so much like me it is scary. He keeps us on out toes but is such a gift!
Well, that updates you. I have been so sick with this pregnancy. I so wished I was a person that just gets a little sick. No, I puke every night 2-5 times. I have kept dinner down 3 nights in the last 2 1/2 weeks. I will be glad when we are over this phase! I might not hate being pregnant if I weren't so sick!