Friday, May 05, 2006

Boys will be boys!

Today was a nice day to work in the yard. The high was 72 and there was a slight wind. I went to help my mom load and unload soil and mulch to put in her new yard. I stayed and helped her for awhile. Todd was playing when I found lots of worms. He loved to hold them and then put them back in the soil. Then, he asked to bring his trains outside and play. I agreed. I knew he was having a really good time. We could hear him having the trains talk back and forth and laughing. After close to 2 hours, I decided to go home. I went to help him load up his trains and they were covered in mud. He had found a pile of mud and the trains made "train tracks" in the mud. I had to go and hose them (and him) off. Well, I guess you can say he is creative!! He would live outside if I let him.

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