Monday, September 03, 2007

Young Families

What does a policeman, a vet, an architech, 2 accountants, a preschool teacher, and a businessman have in common? Not too much normally, but in our small group we all have the desire to reach out to the community and become stronger in faith. We have small groups at our church that meet once a month. Most people are in a group that is geographically close. A group of young families got together and decided close to home was not the important thing. We wanted to be in a group where our kids enjoyed meeting as well. We started with a group of 13 total. As of this weekend, we have grown to 38 people! We all have very different backgrounds. We have some single moms, some people with 4 kids and others with no kids. We are a very diverse group. From the outside, you would think we could not create a deep relationship. However, these families are very important to Brad and I. We laugh with them, we shed tears with them, we love them. I often think that this is what the early church would have been like. We have varying strengths and weaknesses but together, we are a vibrant group that wants to reach the lost.

Brad and I have had it on our hearts for some time to head up a young families ministry. We have decided that is what the Lord is leading us to at this point on our lives. Please be in prayer that we will know God's desire as we begin this endeaver.

Are any of you part of a young families ministry? What is your favorite part about it? Why is is successful or why does it not do too well. We would like to have other people's feedback.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

one part of reaching out to young families is reaching out to young mothers. our church has started a mentoring group that meets once a month. anyone is welcome- young mom, mom of teens or planning to be a mom one day... There is a speaker (an experienced mom, or a mom that has been through something recently and can share what that was like...) that shares insight on a topic and of course there is food- and fellowship.
We had one a while back that was young wives club. This newest one is called M & M Moms (moms mentoring moms.)