Friday, October 12, 2007

Cinderella Days

I have not seen this movie in a while. However, today I gained more respect for Cinderella. I scrubbed my kitchen/eat-in area floors with a small brush. You might wonder why. Well, when we bought our house 3 years ago, we picked out a flooring that was durable, cheaper, and would help disguise dirt. What we didn't think about was the fact that this flooring was VERY porous. Of course it hides dirt well because it seeps into the pores and make the entire floor look nasty. So, after putting this off long enough, I got down on my knees and for about 5 hours I scrubbed. My hands are about to fall off but the floor looks so much cleaner. Now, I have mopped it consistently but it just did not get all of the dirt out of the pores. So, I decided to post a picture that shows the difference between the cleaned floor and the dirty floor. Just remember, I really do keep them mopped, just not scrubbed. The clean floor is on the right and the dirty floor is on the left. Notice how much lighter they are when they are cleaned. You can see the dirt in the pores. GROSS!
Now some of you might wonder what Todd was doing during my cleaning. Well, I have included a few pictures to show what he did while I was being Cinderella.

He also played Scooby Doo with me,
He played cars, he played trains, and he played with the McDonald's food. Oh, and he watched Scooby Doo, too. Come to thank of it, no wonder he had to rest!

Luckily, my Cinderella days are few and far between. Tomorrow we are off to a pumpkin patch. Perhaps my carriage will be waiting!


Unknown said...

admit it right now...I have not mopped in months, perhaps years! I'm a slacker.

Rebecca said...

Our floor in the kitchen is just like that too! You have inspired me to get it clean!