Wednesday, February 23, 2011

And then there were 3..

So, it is no secret that we had planned on only having 2 children. We had always said when you get 3 kids you are outnumbered and can no longer play one-on-one. Well, God had other plans for our lives. He decided to bless us with Luke. He is a blessing and don't think otherwise. However, I had no idea how difficult going to 3 children really would be. Some days, I find myself coming and going. With Luke and Jackson being only 27 months apart (another problem), it is very difficult. Then, throw in an 8 year old that has homework and sports schedules and you get one tired momma! I love them so much and cannot imagine my life without them, but this has been difficult. I feel like someone is always getting ignored. Poor Luke has cried more than either of the other 2 boys because I am bust taking care of something else. I know things will calm down soon. Until then, I go to sleep the minute my head hits the pillow at nights and during the day if I get a chance. (Kristin, I can't imagine life with 4 kids and homeschooling. God bless you!)

But then, I look at this and I smile and thank God for the blessings and the wisdom to do it His way!


tamblair said...

I must say that your birth announcement made me smile so big when I got in my box yesterday, despite all the Alabama football clothing! ;) He's so adorable! I will keep you in my prayers!

Unknown said...

Larry and I always said the same thing about having more than two kids and well, here we go too. :) And basically, your post confirms that I really do need to quit work to take care of it all!

Rebecca said...

Those are some sweet faces! I think that is how I would feel with 3. Just remember to say (out loud) when you don't think you can take it anymore, "It isn't always going to be like this."
Sending you hugs!

Kristin said...

It's hard and endless work, that's for sure... thinking of you.