Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You've got to be kidding

So, today I confirmed what I had been feeling.. Luke has allergy issues too. I thought this was coming because his sleeping habits have started to become like Jackson's, aka not sleeping without being held upright all night. Today I took him to the doctor and he said that we would treat him for acid reflux. He also confirmed that there was microscopic blood in his stool so there is an allergy. I am nursing, though it is not my favorite thing to be doing, so I am going to have to try to cut out dairy. Okay, that is difficult for me. I love cheese. Cheese makes EVERYTHING better. I am giving it a try. I am thinking it will help me lose weight b/c nothing will taste as good. I am also giving it a try b/c if it doesn't work, we will have to go to the expensive formula again. I really don't want to do that. I am asking for you to pray for us. Pray that my poor baby gets some relief and that I can do this no dairy thing.


Jeni said...

Oh, YUCK. I'm sorry, Carrie. I hope you're able to keep nursing him.

tamblair said...

I am so sorry that you are in the midst of this battle!!! I remember all too well dealing with a colicky baby with milk allergy ~ David was difficult to handle the first four months of his little life! I will keep you in my prayers!

Unknown said...

Oh Carrie. I am sorry you are facing these difficulties with another little one. Sending up prayers of strength for you. Hopefully cutting out the diary will work.