Tuesday, February 08, 2011


I am beginning to think that I will never get a normal amount of sleep again! As most of you know, Jackson is a terrible sleep and now you add nursing a newborn to the mix and that equals feeling like a zombie at all times.

Speaking of the nursing bit, this is the first time I have been able to truly nurse a baby. I pumped some with the other boys but that was it. By 4 weeks, I had quit with both. Let me just say, this is how I felt yesterday!
I mean seriously, all I did was nurse Luke all day long. He was eating every 2 hours during the day and it takes him about 30-40 minutes to eat. By the time he got done, it was almost time to start again. I am starting to think I am not a good nursing mom. Anyway, I will quit complaining and go do something in the couple of minutes I have free!


tamblair said...

Hang in there, girl!!!! "THEY" say that we will miss these days, that we will look back with fondness on the days of our youth and young children... I am not completely sold on the idea, but that's what "THEY" say!!! You are in my prayers, sweet friend!!! :)

Kristin said...

Oh, Carrie, it will get better. Maybe not so much the sleeping, but the nursing. Mine took forever as newborns, but he'll get faster and you'll be able to spread out his feedings. The first month or so is very hard. Thinking of you.

Unknown said...

I don't know if you are game or not, but I would bring the boys to bed with me for their first feeding and then sleep as they ate. It helped with the sleep deprivation. I'd just wake up and roll to the other side for the next feeding. But then again, I only last 6 weeks.