Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Donkey Race
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Breathe by Michael W. Smith
Brad is beginning a series witht he teens on believing in God and atheism. He handed out a 1 question survey to them yesterday. It simply asked where their faith was right now. The choices were:
1) My faith has been tested and I see him working in my life.
2). My faith has been tested but I am do not see him working in my life.
3). I am not sure if God exists or if I believe in him.
4). I do not believe in God.
This got me to thinking. Without a doubt, I could answer #1 today. Not to say that my spiritual life is perfect, but that I know he works in my life. There are times when I have trouble seeing it because of my own sin or distractions, but I know he is there.
However, as a teen, what would my answer have been? I know I believed in God but did I think he worked in my life? I do not know that I would have thought that. Would I have even had a handle of what that truly means? I do not think I would have understood that.
I think spiritual depth comes through experiences. No, they do not all hav eto be bad ones. Unfortunately, I tend to learn more from the valleys than the mountain peaks. I guess it is because we have to be desperate. Have you ever felt that desperation for something. Dying for chocolate, dying for a drink or food, dying to see a family member. How often are we dying to spend time with our God? How often are we "desperate for Him"?
I am reminded of an old song by Michael W Smith. I love this song! This is what I desire: to be desperate for Him. I have come along way, but I have a long way to go. I pray that we all can be that desperate for Him!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Beginning of Spring Break?
Todd with a big snowball! We made lots of these today! I love snowball fights!
Us and the snowman family. The snow would not cooperate in making a good ball. Todd was convinced that we needed to make all of us. Therfore, we resorted to bowls to speed up the process. That is why our snowmen look a little odd. We also were out of carrots so we used Fruit Loop drinking straws!
I added this picture because of the meaning behind it. If you look closely, behind the middle snowman (Me), you will see a tiny snowman with little stick arms. This is our baby snowman. Todd wanted to add it but we can't see it so we had to put it behind me. He was so excited about that addition!
Friday, March 07, 2008
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Sigh, the sound of relief
What I was doing 10 years ago: I was living in Arkansas going to school at Harding. I had almost been married 1 year. Yes, I was very young when I got married!! My life was very uncomplicated then.
5 Things on my To Do List today: It has already been a busy morning! I had to get Todd off to school. I had to go copy sheets for school since I am gone today. I have to return a few things to Target. I have to get an ultrasound. Go pick Todd up from my mom's this afternoon and do laundry.
Snacks I Enjoy: I enjoy cheese and crackers. I also like fruit when it is season. Ice cream is always good, too.
Things I would do if I were a Billionaire: If I were to have that kind of money, I would use a small portion to buy a bigger house and a truck for Brad. The rest I would give away. I have always wanted to fund and run a school for special education students that could be little or no cost for the families. I also think a lot of St. Jude's. I would have fun giving it away!
3 of my Bad Habits: Worrying: I am working on that. Back-seat driver, and procrastinating
5 places I have lived: Okay, this list is crazy. Just for your entertainment I will list them all! Montgomery, AL (2 diff. times), Nashville, TN (2 different times but 4 houses), Dallas, Texas (1 time), Searcy, Arkansas (1 time but 3 houses), Atlanta Georgia (1 time), Ponca City, Ok (1 time but 2 houses). Yes, I hate to move now!!!!
5 Jobs I have had: Q-Zar party coordinator, day care worker, babysitter, special education teacher, personal tutor, and stay-at-home mom!
Well, there you have it. I think most of my friends that will do this have been tagged, but I will tag Jeni. I am sure she will do it. If anyone else wants to do it, go for it and leave a message so I will know to read it.