Thursday, March 06, 2008


I was tagged by my friend Kristin. Here are my answers.

What I was doing 10 years ago: I was living in Arkansas going to school at Harding. I had almost been married 1 year. Yes, I was very young when I got married!! My life was very uncomplicated then.

5 Things on my To Do List today: It has already been a busy morning! I had to get Todd off to school. I had to go copy sheets for school since I am gone today. I have to return a few things to Target. I have to get an ultrasound. Go pick Todd up from my mom's this afternoon and do laundry.

Snacks I Enjoy: I enjoy cheese and crackers. I also like fruit when it is season. Ice cream is always good, too.

Things I would do if I were a Billionaire: If I were to have that kind of money, I would use a small portion to buy a bigger house and a truck for Brad. The rest I would give away. I have always wanted to fund and run a school for special education students that could be little or no cost for the families. I also think a lot of St. Jude's. I would have fun giving it away!

3 of my Bad Habits: Worrying: I am working on that. Back-seat driver, and procrastinating

5 places I have lived: Okay, this list is crazy. Just for your entertainment I will list them all! Montgomery, AL (2 diff. times), Nashville, TN (2 different times but 4 houses), Dallas, Texas (1 time), Searcy, Arkansas (1 time but 3 houses), Atlanta Georgia (1 time), Ponca City, Ok (1 time but 2 houses). Yes, I hate to move now!!!!

5 Jobs I have had: Q-Zar party coordinator, day care worker, babysitter, special education teacher, personal tutor, and stay-at-home mom!

Well, there you have it. I think most of my friends that will do this have been tagged, but I will tag Jeni. I am sure she will do it. If anyone else wants to do it, go for it and leave a message so I will know to read it.


Unknown said...

Good luck today. I am thinking about you guys.

Jeni said...

Yep, I did it - it's up on my site.

I hope everything goes well today. You've been in my prayers.