Saturday, March 08, 2008

Beginning of Spring Break?

Okay, this weekend begins our 2 week Spring Break. I thought this was too early for a spring break and our weather is a big proof that I was correct. This morning, we woke up to snow covered ground. This is the most snow we have had in 5 years. Here are some pictures from our fun in the snow!

Todd with a big snowball! We made lots of these today! I love snowball fights!

Us and the snowman family. The snow would not cooperate in making a good ball. Todd was convinced that we needed to make all of us. Therfore, we resorted to bowls to speed up the process. That is why our snowmen look a little odd. We also were out of carrots so we used Fruit Loop drinking straws!
I added this picture because of the meaning behind it. If you look closely, behind the middle snowman (Me), you will see a tiny snowman with little stick arms. This is our baby snowman. Todd wanted to add it but we can't see it so we had to put it behind me. He was so excited about that addition!


Unknown said...

The baby snowman is tooooo cute!

Jeni said...

That little baby snowman is precious! Glad y'all had fun!