Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Breathe by Michael W. Smith

Brad is beginning a series witht he teens on believing in God and atheism. He handed out a 1 question survey to them yesterday. It simply asked where their faith was right now. The choices were:
1) My faith has been tested and I see him working in my life.
2). My faith has been tested but I am do not see him working in my life.
3). I am not sure if God exists or if I believe in him.
4). I do not believe in God.

This got me to thinking. Without a doubt, I could answer #1 today. Not to say that my spiritual life is perfect, but that I know he works in my life. There are times when I have trouble seeing it because of my own sin or distractions, but I know he is there.

However, as a teen, what would my answer have been? I know I believed in God but did I think he worked in my life? I do not know that I would have thought that. Would I have even had a handle of what that truly means? I do not think I would have understood that.

I think spiritual depth comes through experiences. No, they do not all hav eto be bad ones. Unfortunately, I tend to learn more from the valleys than the mountain peaks. I guess it is because we have to be desperate. Have you ever felt that desperation for something. Dying for chocolate, dying for a drink or food, dying to see a family member. How often are we dying to spend time with our God? How often are we "desperate for Him"?

I am reminded of an old song by Michael W Smith. I love this song! This is what I desire: to be desperate for Him. I have come along way, but I have a long way to go. I pray that we all can be that desperate for Him!

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