Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Many of my high school friends will remember Eddie Carson. He graduated 2 years before we did and was very close to my family. He spent a lot of time with them. My husband and brother are in a fantasy football leage that began in college. Eddie is part of that league. We found out today that he has a brain tumor or mass that will hae to be removed tomorrow (Wed). Please pray that he comes out of the surgery safely and they are able to remove it all. He is currently in ICU in Texas. Thanks for your prayers!


Unknown said...

Man- we'll certainly remember him in prayer...where in TX?

Rebecca said...

Oh my!!! He will be in my prayers!

carrie said...

He lives in Houston. We still have not heard how things have gone. We know that the surgery started later than scheduled. He also went to Harding. Some people have asked me that.

Unknown said...

You guys and his family are in my prayers.

tamblair said...

I remember him well. I hope everything turns out okay. Please keep us updated.