Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Can I just say that I am terrible at making decisions. Sure, some are made fast ans with very little thought. Others, I take forever and question myself on them a million times. We have been adding a 300 sf foot den to our house. Some things have been easy. However, most things have taken me a while. Flooring was the last big decision. We had one option that was $600 less than the other option. However, the more expensive was a little better match I thought. I went back and forth trying to decide. Finally, I decided on the more expensive. We should be done with the addition next week! I am ready to have my house back. It's been as good as it can get, though. An elder at our church has done it. He is very nice and I had complete confidence in him! It has also been a very clean group of people working on the house. I am excited that it will be done! We look forward to more space for those swings, bouncers, etc. Babies really do take up lots of space.

By the way, I have an ultrasound Thursday. I have been having some pains. We will find out more then. I am anxious to see how much this baby weighs!


Jeni said...

I'm glad it's gotten done so quickly! You're totally welcome to our Exersaucer - if you want to borrow it, let me know & I'll make sure I know where all the pieces are!

Good luck with the ultrasound!

Brandy said...

I am looking forward to seeing the addition....and your nursery, for that matter. But mostly, I am anxious to see my nephew Jackson!