Friday, September 19, 2008


I was tagged by my friend Kristin. So here we go.

I am suppose to tell you 6 things that you may not know about me. I will give it a try.

1.) I am terrified of snakes. It is almost a phobia state. I think they are ugly and scary.

2). I do not walk over drainage crates on the road. I have always been scared that I would fall in and be left to die in their. Todd now avoids them as well.

3). I have always wanted to get a degree in American Sign Language. It fascinates me and I tend to run into people with hearing impairments that I could translate for to help them. I am able to help some, just not as much as I would like.

4). The profession I have always done, teaching special education, was not my original degree. My original degree was elementary education. I added it only after I needed more credits to be full time. I did not intend on using it, but got into it and love it!

5). I do not eat fish of any kind. Yuck!

6). I was rebellious in my junior high years. I was a habitual liar and did many things behind my parents back. Thankfully, there were lots of people looking after me and I got caught every time. So, I never got into too much trouble! I think this is why I like Jr. High to this day. I know it was a tough 3 years for me!

There you have it. Not too exciting. I will tag anyone that wants to do it. Most of you were already tagged.


Unknown said...

I don't believe #6, at all! You were always so sweet at ACA.

carrie said...

It is so true. See after all of these years, I still have a few secrets!

Rebecca said...

I am with Erika, I don't remember you being that way!

tamblair said...

I agree with the other girls... I can't believe you were ever bad!! You will have to come off those secrets one day!!