Monday, January 12, 2009

One Year Ago today...

It was a year ago today that I received a phone call that shook my world. I was told that my dear friend had passed away in her sleep. I remember how I felt. My legs gave way and I felt like I was going to pass out. Immediately, I wondered why. How could God take her and leaver her 3 young children behind? How could he take the rock for her family? How could he take the supporter of our church? I admit I was angry and confused. I could not put my hands around this.

A year has passed and there are days I still wonder why. I see the eyes of her children and wonder how this was part of God's plans. I just want to hear her voice. I want to see her tiny figure bouncing into church. I want to see her at our ladies dinners. I want to talk about the life of being a minister's wife again. I want to have her friendship again. Unfortunately, I will not have these things on earth. I will have to look forward to the day when we can all be home together! I long for that day. A day where there will be no sadness, no fear, no worries, no pain. Oh, what a happy day!

I am a fan of Steven Curtis Chapman. I always feel his lyrics are encouraging. I came across a song from a while back and boy did it speak to me tonight. Like my friend Kristin says, he was so speaking to me! If you do not know this song, click this link. It has reminded me again that He is the one in control and I need to give it up to Him even when I don't understand!


tamblair said...

Just know you have many people thinking about you and praying for you and her family!

Rebecca said...

It doesn't seem like it has been a year since you wrote about your dear friend on here. Praying for you all.

Kristin said...

Grief is so very hard. I miss my dad every day, but I can tell you I am changed for the better because of all I've been through. So much good has come from his dying. Three years ago I would have been mad if I heard myself say that. Time doesn't take away the pain, but it does lead you down a road of acceptance. I read this quote today in my new Beth Moore study: "the ending to each story is happy, but before that happy ending is realized, much grief occurs." Our job is to hold on to our hope for The happy ending.

carrie said...

I love that quote, Kristin! That is so true! I can see some good that has come from it for all of us. But, like you said, it still hurts!