Thursday, March 06, 2008

Sigh, the sound of relief

Okay, many of you have read or know that we had an ultrasound today. Yesterday, we went and they could not hear the heartbeat but thought things were fine. Since I will have a repeat c-section, they have to know an exact fetal age. Therefore, an ultrasound within the next couple of weeks was needed. Well, me, the impatient one, had to know that this one was okay. I went to get the ultrasound and we have a peanut with a heartbeat of 171!!! We are very pleased and thankful. As always, please continue to pray for a health little one! Actual due date is October 15th. It will probably be taken before then. God is good!! Thanks for your prayers and concerns! By the way, we will tell Todd soon. Now I have to go to parent/teacher conferences! I will be there from 4-7 and I think only 1 parent is coming!!


Kristin said...

How wonderful! I am so happy and relieved for you.

Tracy said...

Yay! I have been checking your blog constantly to hear an update! You are due 10 days after me! Maybe we will have c-sections on the same day...haha. The doctor asked me if I wanted a c-section two weeks ago...I thought this was weird at 8 weeks...but whatever.

Jeni said...

Thank God. Seriously. I'm so happy for you! Your little peanut will be born around the same time Wendy turns two. She was due 10/4, and we had a scheduled C-section a week early, so her birthday is 9/26.

Rebecca said...

That is just wonderful! That "October 15" sure would be a great day! (for some reason?) Have y'all thought of names yet?

Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you all!