Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Results are in..

I went to the Dr. today and FINALLY got the test results back from my whooping cough. The verdict was that I am not immune to it so I could catch it. However, it did not look like I had it. They could not tell for sure because you show traces of it if you have been immunized. Basically, I am fine unless I start hacking my head off. Then, I probably have it. He did say that the baby would not be harmed. All in all, that is good news.

Also, I will have another ultrasound in 2 weeks to double check things with the 2 vessel cord. He wants to do one final check before the c-section. I am anxious to know what his estimated weight is going to be.

As always, please continue to pray that Baby Jackson is safe and healthy!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I am glad that it all turned out ok. We will be thinking of you.