Friday, September 26, 2008

Cardboard testimonies

If you go to church with me, you may not want to look at this blog because it is something that we are doing on Sunday and it may not be as effective!!!!

This is something that we were exposed to through the youth group a few weeks ago. The teens watched the video that follows and wrote their own cardboard testimonies. I tried to link the video and it did not want to cooperate. Please take a minute to watch this if you have not seen it. It is amazing!

This made me think about my cardboard testimony. I believe every Christian has an amazing testimony. Sure, in the world's standards, there are some people that have more drastic conversion stories. However, we all have a story. God has changed all of us. So, here is my question, what is your cardboard testimony? How has God used you to change this world? How has God impacted your life and are we letting Him use us? I know there have been times when I have not allowed Him to use me. I pray that we all will allow Him to use us to reach a lost world. I love what the man ask at the end... What if this was our welcoming committee.


carrie said...

I will leave my cardboard testimony. Being that I have been raised in the church my entire life, mine would be this...

"Knew God"

"Now I feel God and understand the neccessity of having Him in my life"

tamblair said...

Thanks for sharing that with me. It was incredibly moving. I have always been fascinated with the stories behind the faces, and I know that everyone has a story. Perhaps I will be brave enough to share my story one day.

Anonymous said...

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