Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike

I cannot imagine what a hurricane would be like. I have experienced the edge of a tornado and it was bad. Winds of 100 miles an hour and rising water sound like hell on earth to me. With that being said, I cannot imagine why people would not evacuate! I would pack up the things that are most important and get out of town. I would not wait to see if it was going to get bad.

My father-in-law is from the Galveston, Texas area. He let but he did not go too far. He is in a suburb of Houston and is still without power. We have talked to him briefly. He is safe but was told that he would have nothing left. He is in his mid 60's and has lived in this area since he retired. He was a hard worker and saved a lot of money. However, now so much of that is gone. He asked Brad to be watching for pictures or video of his area. I have included a picture of the part of the peninsula that he lived in. As you can see, there is nothing left.

I will post some more pictures later. It is hard to even comprehend such destruction.


Jeni said...

I'm so sorry, Carrie. Let us know if there's something we can do to help.

tamblair said...

I can't imagine the feeling of losing everything, especially for those with children. I hope I never know...

Unknown said...

Oh Carrie, I'm so sorry. Your family is in my prayers!

Franklin Wood said...

So sorry to hear about that. I was thinking about Brad's dad after the hurricane went through.