Sunday, August 05, 2007

Our new toy

Okay, I have to say that we usually do not buy electronic games for fun. We did on Friday. Todd has been wanting a Wii. That is hard to believe since he is only 5 years old. However, we had put it off. We were in a store and discovered that these games are hard to come by. The guy told us when the shipment was coming in and we went and got one. It is so fun! For those of you that don't know, it is a video game you interact with. I have to admit, I played so much tennis and boxing yesterday, that my elbow is sore. We have had a blast with it. Todd loves it and it is a great way to get out energy when the weather is not appropriate for outside play. Now it will be silly purchases for us for another 10 years. You have to have fun every now and then and do something crazy!

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