Saturday, January 12, 2008

In the blink of an eye...

things can happen that forever change your life. Today has been one of those days. I have written the last few days about my bad days. I sorry to say that today tops them all. I was about to get dressed to go see a new home and then go run errands for my class. That is when we received a phone call that shocked me. A very good friend of mine had passed away. It is actually our preacher's wife: a mother of 3 young children ( 7, 5, and 1 year of age). I cannot explain to you they way I feel. She was the life of a party. I attended a ladies' dinner Thursday and she kept us all laughing. I am still in shock. My heart hurts from the pain. To see her kids cry, it killed me. They would say things about it being hard to not have a mom. PLEASE pray for her husband and kids. They are lost right now. Please pray for all of their families. It is so painful for our entire church. I guess this makes me realize that a job is nothing compared to family! Also, we have to explain this to Todd tonight. He has already had issues with death (see previous post). Please pray for us as we attempt to explain our Lord. He is mighty, He is just and He is in charge. We know He is good and He called her home. We have to lean of His strength and faithfulness during these times!


Unknown said...

wow- this is so sad and shocking. i am so sorry to hear it. i really don't have any words to express how deeply sad this makes me.

Rebecca said...

It really makes you think about what is important. The word "sympathy" (for them) just doesn't seem to be enough.

tamblair said...

I am so sorry for your loss and your entire church family's loss. I will be sure to keep you in my prayers.

Jeni said...

Carrie - if you hear of anything we can do to help, will you let me know? I know they've got plenty of food right now, and the extended family has rallied around, but if anything needs doing, I'd love to help. Meanwhile, we pray prayers that have no words...

Even though I know it's true, I expected to see Evette come bouncing and bubbling into the nursery today with Blake on her hip.

jduckbaker said...

I got to your blog through a friend of a friend (Betsy to Kristin to you). Your talented and sweet minister came through our area recently (Montgomery, AL) and led worship for us. His beautiful wife sat right behind us with the baby. Our minister (Scotty Harris) went on and on about what a wonderful family they were, and when they were coming through town he always implored him to come and lead our church in worship.

Scotty broke the news to us this morning and the whole church wept. Please know that we are praying constantly for him, for the children, and for your church family.

God bless.

carrie said...


Thank you for your prayers. She was a very sweet, gentle person that always looked after others. She impacted people everywhere she went. I am sure this has been very hard for Scotty! We have to cling to the fact that God will make good come from this and that He has the ultimate plan for our lives!

Unknown said...

Oh Carrie, that is just heartbreaking. All of you will be in my prayers.

Kristin said...

I'm just so, so sorry for this family and for your church. There are no words I could offer that could comfort at all - just so sorry...

Jeni said...

Carrie - it would've lifted your heart to see all the people at the church last night, cleaning up to get ready for the visitation. There were probably about 50 there. James and I ended up leaving after 45 minutes or so, because there just wasn't anything left to do!