Thursday, December 09, 2010
A little shaken
Monday, November 22, 2010
Just Strange
I was at the Orpyland Hotel for a spiritual conference for mothers. I was with a variety of people I knew. Some of you were there. We were sitting outside on the grass waiting to enter the building for the key note speaker. We were all having fun until we heard a bizarre sound. We looked up and we could see hundreds of airplanes evenly spaced in the sky. We could see them in all directions as far as we could see. Then, we noticed they were dropping barrels that were attached to parachutes. We instantly were terrified. We realized that it was bombs that were going to explode upon contact. We had no way to get away. After sheer panic for a moment we decided to pray. I lead the prayer and was trying to focus on that and not watch the barrels, which were coming fast. We concluded our prayer, which was basically informing God that we were very scared and to not let this leave us severely injured. We wanted to be totally fine or dead. After the prayer, we decided that this was a terrorist attack. We knew that these people would know that destroying that many mothers and grandmothers would demolish our society. We then began to sing and read scripture try to stayed focused on God. Suddenly, we saw men in white jumpsuits landing. They looked like they were chemical warfare suits. At this point, the barrels were very close. We decided to begin praying as they landed. We were all peaking as we were praying. Suddenly, one of us busted out laughing. The rest of us found that odd and feared it was part of the chemical attack. No, instead, we discovered the barrels were full of trial size potato chips, Frisbees, back packs, etc for a marketing promotion from a chip company. We gathered out loot, headed into the building, and went on about our worshipping.
Strange, huh?
Monday, November 08, 2010
One of those days..
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
The Gospel According To Jesus by Chris Seay
This is the first book that I have reviewed for Thomas Nelson's Book Sneeze that was difficult for me to get through. I would have put it down and not completed it if it were not for the review I had agreed to do on this book. I felt that this author's thoughts were scattered and difficult to follow. At times, I even found some comments to be offensive. I felt like more of the book was about him and his friends' opinions than scripture backing. I found very few items that made me think in a way that he was wanting me to think. I would not recommend this book. I feel it was a huge letdown.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I allow all of the pictures that I download to the computer run in a slide show as my screen saver. Last night, I sat down in my quiet house and began to watch those pictures. I could remember Todd's first smile, Jackson's first thumb sucking picture, Brad and I's wedding picture, and even my high school senior trip. I can remember each of those events meaning something difference. Some would mean a time of growing up and some would be times that forever impacted my life for the good!
One thing I realized. None of those pictures brought back pain. I did not see the pictures that reminded me of my baby girl I lost, or the financial struggles Brad and I had when we got married. I did not see the times we had lost our job or the day I found out that my mom had MS.
Perhaps that is why I find such joy in looking at those pictures. It is a reminder of how blessed I am. How God has shown favor to me and my family. I could see God's footsteps in all of those pictures. I could see Him in my son's smiles, I could see Him in Brad's face because He had lead me to Brad. I could see Him as He protected me through those tough teen years. It was just a great reminder of my God. I was then drawn to this scripture:
How can I repay the Lord for all of His goodness to me?
I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.
I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
O Lord, truly I am your servant; I am your servant, the son of your maidservant you freed me from my chains.
I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord.
I will fulfill my vows tot e Lord in the presence of all his people in the courts of the house of the Lord-in your midst, O Jerusalem. Praise the Lord.
Psalm 116: 12-19
There is no way I can repay Him for these blessing but I will try to glorify Him in all I do as a thank offering.
Wow 2 years

And now this is the boy that lives in my house!

Jackson, I know that God has huge plans for you! You are a gift that we could not have ever imagined. I pray that God guides your every step and that you will listen to His calling. We love watching you adore your brother and explore life. Thank you for allowing us to be your mommy and daddy! We love you, sweet tater!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I will admit that I have had times when I felt like life wasn't going as I had planned. I have questioned God, cried out to God, and even cursed God because I just felt things weren't fair and he was torturing me. I am not proud of these feelings nor do I feel I was justified in saying them, but I did it anyway. I was plainly bitter!
In the past week, my granny has come to live here in my town. Many of you have lived near your grandparents your entire life. I have not lived near them most of my life. However, when I was young, we lived close to them and I though my granny was the greatest thing ever. That was before she and my grandad got divorced. After the divorce, she left the scene and we didn't even know where she lived. She has said many hurtful things about my family and disappeared from me and I loved her dearly.
So, you may wonder why has she appeared after not seeing or talking to her in many years. Well, she is sick. She was just diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and it is pretty severe. She doesn't remember us some days and you can forget her knowing my kids at all. Now, it is up to my family to take care of her. This has not been easy. My mom has MS and the stress is not been good on her health and I am pregnant and exhausted. It has really been draining. I have really had to work on bitterness. There are parts of me that want a relationship but the major part is bitter and hurt. How can she expect me to come visit her because she is lonely when she broke my heart at 5? Why should I risk that again? But then, there is the part that knows how much I once loved her. I wanted to live with her. I would love to have that back. But the reality is, I can't and I want.
I have done a lot of thinking this past week and I have come to some harsh realities. Bitterness breeds only evil. She is like she is because she was bitter about my grandad and she never dealt with it. She has held on to that anger for over 30 years and it has eaten her up. She doesn't even know what happiness is because she has surrounded herself with anger. That led me to the book of Job. Talk about someone that was dealt a terrible hand of fate. I think most of us would have given up early into his struggles. Honestly, if you take away my kids, I am done. But, he kept with it. It is so reassuring that God is there even when I am bitter. He is right there with me holding his arms out to run to Him. I think that is a great lesson and one I am really working on right now.
I have added a video that spoke directly to me about a new perspective on that bitterness. It is 10 minutes long but is so good. It is by Rob Bell. I put it in a different post due to the length of this post. Watch it. It will change you.
Rain: Rob Bell
If you have not ever heard of Rob Bell or his Nooma videos, you are missing one of my favorite videos. Here is a vidoe about the love of our Father.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make A Difference
I enjoyed this book a great deal. As usual, Max brings stories to life and reflects on various aspects of those stories to challenge you to make a difference. this book also has questions over each chapter and things to do to get started on making a difference. This book is easy to read but has many challenging moments as well. I would encourage anyone that wants to be challenged to make a difference to read this new book!
Friday, August 27, 2010
I love music. It was the way I learned my multiplication facts, how I calmed myself down as a kid, and how I praise God most often. I was listening to my ipod this morning thinking about the different songs I have downloaded. I started thinking about the songs that mean the most to me. So here are some songs that mean so much to me (in no particular order)
1). Praise You In This Storm by the Casting Crowns- this song is what helped me get through the loss of my baby girl in 2007.
2). Happy Am I- this is a song we have sang at church since Todd was little. He loved this song and I can remember him singing as loud as he could "ME MY".
3). It Is Well With My Soul- This song was sang at my grandmother's funeral. My mom and her siblings sang it so beautifully in honor of their mom. I still can't get through this song without crying.
4). Life Is A Highway by Rascal Flatts and I Just Can't Wait To Be King- Todd loved the movie Cars and The Lion King we would sing and dance to these songs over and over.
5). The Lily Of The Valley- On old song that makes me laugh. My brother and I used a Howdy-Dowdy puppet and put on a puppet show and this is one of the songs he sang. It was one of the most hilarious things my brother and I did.
6). I'm Yours by Jason Mraz- this song would quiet Jackson down as a baby and I heard it often! I remember his curled up in my arms relaxing as I sang this song.
7) Pachabel's Cannon- the song played in our wedding. It was a day I married my best friend and my soul mate! It makes me happy to hear it play.
8). It's So Hard To Say Goodbye by Boys To Men- The song they played at my brother's graduation. It still makes me sad to hear that song.
9). Purer In Heart Oh God (and many other hymns)- my mom would sing or whistle hymns while she worked. As a kid, I can member her voice singing. It makes me think of my childhood.
10). Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice- We can't leave out such an icon of my days!
I could go on and on. I love the meaning of song and the way they impact our lives. So, what songs bring back memories for you?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Cast Of Characters by Max Lucado
Overall, I really enjoyed the book. It was not hard to read but challenged me at the same time. I will say that if you are an avid Max Lucado reader, you may not like this book. Each of these chapters are pulled from previous books of his. You may have already read these ideas before. I would recommend this book to someone that wants an easy, fast book to read that will still challenge you to become a better person and to realize that God can use even the common person for His work!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
No, really, I am really starting to wonder how I am going to deal with a 8 1/2 year old, a 27 month old that is in to EVERYTHING, and a newborn!! I know I will do it and it has been done before but sometimes I wonder if I will come out of this experience sane! I may be so tired that I sleep for 10 years after they are grown!!
However, I think about the this verse: Psalm 127:3-5 (The Message)
"Don't you see that children are God's best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don't stand a chance against you;
you'll sweep them right off your doorstep."
I am blessed with 2 amazing kids and God found fit to bless us with another child. We will be full of children in our house but also full of laughter and joy. So, I will turn the worries and fears over to God and enjoy my little blessings!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
So much going on..

We celebrated Todd's 8th birthday. I can't believe he is getting so big. I am so in love with this boy. His heart is amazing and he keeps me laughing. He has really begun to ask about becoming a christian is really studying that and asking questions. He is not ready yet but his heart is so tender, it won't be too many more years. He is a true blessing in our lives. He has been the one praying for another baby, by the way! I am telling you he has a great relationship with God!
This precious boy is still not sleeping through the night most nights. He is getting his 2 year molars and is struggling with them. We say he just wants to keep us prepared for no sleep come January. His language is exploding as well as his personality. He is so much like me it is scary. He keeps us on out toes but is such a gift!
DVD Read and Share Bible: Life and Miracles
Friday, June 04, 2010
Class reunion
I had the opportunity this weekend to take a step back in time. Yes, I was back in high school. Sure, we've all matured, at least a little. We've gotten married and have children. But, we are still amazing people with big dreams. Some of us have had huge bumps in our journeys that have shook us to the core. Others, have been blessed with smoother rides. But, through it all, we have remained those same aspiring girls. These were the girls that would help develop me into who I am today.
Girls, it was an honor to call you friends then and an even great honor to be able to still call you friends after 15 years! I love you all and look forward to our next getaway together! May you all be blessed with laughter and love and never forget the memories of high school!
By the way, I would post pictures but we didn't take any. We were too busy laughing and talking. Besides, we don't look any different!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Bucket List
I am going to write something that very few people know but will explain why this movie touched me. Several months after the death of my friend (remember the minister's wife that left 3 young children behind) I had been praying that night and explaining to God that I still just didn't get why she died. She was crucial to our church and her family. That night, I had the most amazing dream of my life. I met her in my dreams. She hugged me, as she normally would. We sat and talked. She asked about things like her kids, her husband, and the church. We had the most amazing conversation. She finally stood up and said she had to go. I told her I needed to know why she had to die. She grabbed my hand and stated that she had asked that when she first met Christ. She went on to say that it was because she was about to be very sick. For those of us that know her, that would have killed her. She was not one to take time for herself or let others wait on her. As she got ready to leave, she hugged me and said that God had spared her and her family from an illness. Just like that she was gone. When I awoke, I felt as though she had really been right there. I even looked around to make sure I was at home and not in a casket somewhere!
As I watched this movie last night, it brought back that conversation. I have never had a dream like that before. I guess that is why this movie was hard to watch. As I went to bed, I could not get this out of my mind. So, as I laid down, I cried tears. Tears of sadness for my friend that I miss daily and tears of gratefulness for protecting her.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Word of Promise New Testament Audio Bible
Monday, May 03, 2010

These people are members at our church. As you see, their house was for sale. They are moving to WI to run a church camp. They were hoping to move in the next few weeks.

10 Feet Of Water Floods Opryland Hotel - Video - WSMV Nashville
10 Feet Of Water Floods Opryland Hotel - Video - WSMV Nashville
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
I Can Only Imagine..
I have often wondered what I will do when I see my Lord for the first time. It is a thought that brings chills to my body and a grin to my face. I imagine I will respond in numerous ways but perhaps awe will be my first response.
I love to talk about spiritual things with Todd. I have said before that he is the most spiritually deep young child I have encountered. He thinks outside of the box and I love that! We were discussing the meaning of Easter on Saturday night. We began taking about songs that we would probably sing and their meanings. That lead to a very long and detailed discussion about Heaven and Hell. We ended up talking about the song I already mentioned. He knows the song because we listen to it often. I asked him what did he think he would do when he first saws Jesus after I had explained the lyrics of the song on the few things he didn't understand. I expected him to say one of the things we had just discussed. He first said he would ask Him questions about things he always wanted to know. I then asked if that was the first thing he would do and he explained that there was one other thing he would do. He looked at me and said he would hug Him first. Oh, my heart exploded. He understood! He knows what Christ had done for Him and he understands the sacrifice that He made. I reached up and hugged him myself. All I could choke out was,"Perfect Todd".
I am sure that is what He wants from all of us. he wants that relationship and that innocence. Know, when I hear that song, it won't be the dancing, the awe, or the falling on my knees I imagine. It will be that hug!
Monday, March 15, 2010
There is a 4th grader at Todd's school who has battled cancer for 4 years. She has a very aggressive form and it has taken over her body. She is now on oxygen all them time and is no longer talking. She is the most amazing little girl and her hours are numbered. Her family is so strong but they are human. They are dying inside because there is not one thing they can do to help her. She has put up a courageous battle but her time to go Home is coming fast. My heart aches constantly for her family. She is only 2 years older than my precious Todd and I cannot imagine life without him. This has rocked my world beneath me. I find myself crying all day mourning for this family and the pain they are enduring! This week was Kelsi week in the community and I fear she will die during her week.
Please join me in prayer. I know that God can change this now. It is not too late for great miracles. But like her mom said, "we have to abide in His plans". If it is her time, please pray for peace. Peace in her family with the decisions they have made, peace in the community, and peace with those 4th grade students who will have to grown up and face the fact that we are fragile and only here for a time. Those innocent girls that were her best friends are going to have a hard time. Please pray for Kelsie( girl), Tammy (Mom), David (dad), and Cody (older brother). They are in great pain and I fear more is to come!
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Avril Lavigne - I'm With You Lyrics
Avril Lavigne - I'm With You Lyrics:
"I'm standing on the bridge
I'm waiting in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening, but there's no sound
Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you, take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are but I, I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm looking for a place
I'm searching for a face
Is anybody here I know
Cause nothing's going right and
Everythings a mess
And no one likes to be alone
Isn't anyone trying to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you, take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are but I, I'm with you
I'm with you
Yeah, yeah
Why is everything so confusing
Maybe I'm just out of my mind
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you, take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are but I, I'm with you
I'm with you
Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are but I, I'm with you
I'm with you
Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are but I, I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you"
I was frightened that this is the way our teens feel. Do they often feel this way because this was a popular song among teens. Was this song putting those thoughts in their head. The thought of young kids wanting to know "Isn't anyone trying to find me".
As Todd approaches the teens, I admit I am scared! I was a good kid. Sure, I lied and rebelled at times, but it was minor things. It scares me to think about my sweet boy feeling this way. And then, who are they reaching for? A random stranger?
I am sure the song did not mean God. But, my hope is that if Todd gets lost in his feelings, he will be reaching for someone that is not a stranger but the ultimate comforter, Our Heavenly Father.
Isaiah 49:13
"Shout for Joy, O Heavens;
rejoice, O earth;
burst into song, O mountains!
For the Lord comforts His people
and will have compassion on His afflicted ones."
Friday, February 12, 2010
1st haircut
The back made the biggest difference. He looks so much older now!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Today, a high school friend of mine went through this for the 2nd time in less than 6 months. As I read about her loss today, I felt all of those feelings again. My heart sank for her because that is the most painful thing I ever encountered. That was the one event that I questioned God more than ever. I am not proud of this but it is a fact. I thought that it was God's will to have this baby since we had tried for 4 years. Though I am not proud of these comments, I will list some of the things I said during these days..
- that was a cruel joke
- does he really care
- he must have the wrong person b/c I am not strong enough to handle this
- If he is so great, why didn't he heal her
- This is so unfair
You get the point. I said and thought things that were awful. I am ashamed of those and I am sorry for saying them but I was devastated and broken.
I shared in our ladies class that losing Faith, what we named our little girl, changed the way I prayed for life. I cried for the week that we had to wait pleading for it to be God's will to have a healthy baby. I begged for this to all go away. Obviously, my prayer was not answered that way. It was just a few weeks after my DNC that I started teaching again. I did this to get my mind off of my loss. I ended up, by God's leading, taking a job in a severely handicapped class. I had swore that I would never do this but a hand shake from a non-verbal, child with autism told me that I was where I needed to be. I had no idea that this class would help me to see God's will in my desperate prayers. You see, Faith died the week that the heart and brain were really formed. God knew that my vision for a little girl consisted of shopping trips, girl talk, and a relationship like I had with my mom. Had God allowed my little girl to live, it would have been more like respirators and therapies. God released me from that pain. He knew that would be more hurtful than losing her when I did.
Now, God could have healed her. I do not know to this day why he didn't. Maybe she would have strayed from Him. Maybe we couldn't raise a girl. I just don't know. I do know that He is a just God and sees so much more than me. But I do know that He answered my prayer. Not only that, but he gave me a special present that would make his appearance 13 months later.
I think about my daughter often. I wonder what she would have looked like and what she would have acted like. I long for the day I get to meet her. I can't imagine the joy I will feel.
So, as I lay in bed tonight, many tears will fall again as I sit at my Father's feet on my dear friends behalf. I will ask for comfort and strength. I will ask for healing and for a way to help her cope. I know that it will come to her. It came to me in a boy that didn't say a word.
I am reminded of Isaiah 55:8-9
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavenas are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts".
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Oh me
Then, we have the issues with my grandmother. She is getting old and is losing her ability to think correctly. Now, I must explain that she has burnt a lot of bridges in her life. She chose to be bitter about a divorce and take it out on her boys, my dad included. Now that things are getting bad, they are having to try to figure things out and she can be cranky. My mom has been working all day to try to see if she can find her a place. It is not looking good. I have to admit that I do not want her living with my parents and for very selfish reasons. 1). If she is there I will never get time with my mom. 2). With my mom's MS, stress makes her have difficulties and my grandmother is the definition of difficult. Due to this, I ask for prayers for my mom and dad. I pray that we can find a place. I do love her but have put up a wall because of the hurt she has caused.
Well, there you have my problems. Thanks for allowing me to vent!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
"For most people, doubt is not a lack of believing God as much as it is a failure to discern what He is saying."
Ouch! That is a difficult statement. Could it be that I am not discerning God's will for me and that is why I am worrying and doubting?
Well, I am really working on this in 2010. I am becoming more precise in my prayers. Perhaps you would even call it bold. He already knows my thoughts anyway. He knows my fears, my weaknesses, my failures, and my doubts. So, I am really turning these over to God in 2010.
This is a big step for a worrier! I am clinging to this well know scripture:
Philippians 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done 7 then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Oh, how I look forward to that peace!
Friday, January 08, 2010
How to Reach Your Full Potential for God
I found this book absolutely life changing. It addressed so many of the "excuses" I may use to become less effective for God. I found this book very difficult to put down and looked forward to reading it each night. I felt his writing style was easy to follow and yet very challenging. This is a book that I will read again because I will gain so much from it. This was the perfect book to be reading at the beginning of the new year because it will alter many things that I do in my life and the way that I will see things from this point on. I would recommend this book to anyone that is ready to reach their full potential for God!