Monday, December 31, 2007
That Moment
I was tagged by Todd
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Casting Crowns - Prayer For A Friend
I recently found this song. There are so many people that I can think of that are struggling with spiritual strength or that have never turned to the Lord. This is a beautiful song that expresses what I have felt so often. Sometimes the words I have aren't right. I thank God that I do not have to have the words. I have to turn them over to the Lord and let Him use me as a tool. I pray that you will take a moment and lift up those that you know that do not know Him or that are struggling. Let us take this time to pray for one another's friends. After you take your names before God, leave a message stating that you have done that so that we can pray for each other's friends. Do not list names. God will know who you have brought before Him. This is a lost world in which we live. We need to join together to strengthen those that are struggling.
Pray also for me. Pray that when I open my mouth, the right words will be given to me. Then I can be bold as I tell the mystery of the good news. Ephesians 6:19
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
So close!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Wednesday, December 05, 2007
My poor sick child
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Sick, Sick, Sick
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving and Black Friday
I love black Friday. I enjoy the rush of getting up early and hunting for a bargain. I woke up at 4:15 to go make the trek this year. I went to Toys R Us first. I had timed it where I did not have to wait in the cold too long. That was a successful endeavor. I also got a great purchase for Brad. I will not elaborate because he reads this sometimes. I also managed to get several things completed. I am actually just about done. I love this time of year. I love the thought of picking out things that I think they will like. I enjoy wrapping presents, which I did last night, I love Christmas lights, but I enjoy the focus on our Savior the most. I am so glad the Church of Christ has finally embraced this focus during the holiday season. I know for much of my life Jesus was not spoken of during Christmas time. I am glad that we can sit and discuss His sacrifice He gave for us. That brings a true happiness to my life that no gift can provide.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
What a Weekend!
Here are all of my random thoughts regarding this trip:
1). What were we thinking? We are still exhausted. Thankfully I am out of work the rest of the week and Brad only has to work tomorrow.
2). I got to briefly visit with some old friends. That is always fun. I also got to meet their children and they got to meet mine.
3). This was my 1st time back to Montgomery. That city played a big part in my life. It was odd going back after 10 years. The last time I stepped foot in that place was my wedding day! What great and special memories that building will hold for me.
4). Montgomery has expanded but some parts look identical to the scenery 10 years ago.
5). Although Montgomery was a good place for me growing up, I prefer TN. That is home for me.
6). I was glad to see that people still recognized me. I guess 10 years hasn't changed me too much!
7). It is always good to reflect on our past, but not live in it. I am so happy in my life now, I would not want to go back to high school. I miss my friendships but not the experiences!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Todd and the job
Others have also asked about my job. It is going well. I am in a self-contained special education class with 5 students. They are all young. I am loving it. After my time as a sub, I realized how much I love special education. I love the smaller number of kids so that I can really know them. I love being able to paint and it not take ALL day. I love being able to buy cotton candy and Capri Suns and not cost $50. ( Can you tell what letter we are working on this week?) I enjoy the small victories that these kids have. I just love the underdog! It has been a big transition and a lot of time up front. The class was very messy and there was no real curriculum. However, that is getting fixed and we are doing well with out new schedule. Guess that's all for now.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I had to take Todd today to the Dr. At first I thought he had pink eye. Last night, his eyes were running a stream of greenish yellow junk out of his eyes. He could not open his eyes this morning. The doctor looked in his ear and asked Todd if his ear had been hurting. Todd said no to which the doctor said he had a really high tolerance of pain. Evidently, he has had an ear infection for a while and it has backed up into his tear ducts. He looks pitiful, though he feels fine. However, I am keeping him home until we get 24 hours of antibiotic in him. The only good part is that my house will get cleaned tomorrow!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Britt Nicole | Don't Worry Now
I heard this song on my way to work today. I thought it was beautiful! I am blessed to still have my dad. He is such a rock for me and an important part of my life. I cried as I heard this song thinking about people I know that have lost their father. I also can understand the thoughts of trying to figure out love during trying times. I feel that this song sings of our heavenly Father. He had to leave this earth for our sins ebenthough those around Him were not ready. He wants us to realize what love really is and He is always telling us it will be OK.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Deep thoughts by Todd
Todd: Mommy, how does God hold up the sun and not burn his hand?
Me: Well, he does not hold it in his hand. He placed it there and it stays.
T: How did he do that?
M: Well, He is God and can do many things that we can't do.
T: Well, I've wondered how he can make something out of nothing. Why can't I do that?
M: Yeah, he did make the sun out of nothing, but we can't because He is God and he can do things we can't do.
T: So, he made the whole world the same way?
M: Yes, that's right.
T: Is God a boy?
M: What do you think?
T: Yes, he is a boy.
M: That's right.
T: What about that other thing?
M: (I knew he meant the Holy Spirit.) I think you mean Jesus.
T: Um, I think...
M: No, you mean Jesus. (I did not want to get into the Holy Spirit any more than we already have. I knew they idea of a spirit living in us would scare him).
T: Yeah, I guess.
M: Yeah, He is a boy.
T: How can God live in us and in Heaven?
M: (I am thinking can we take any longer to get to Grandma's house. How long will these questions go?) Well, His body doesn't really live in our body. His body is in Heaven but he lives in our heart.
T: What do you mean He lives in our heart?
M: Well, we know he is there in our heart because we can feel Him. We know he loves us and we can feel His love in our heart.
T: Oh, yeah I can feel that.
M: Good, it feels nice doesn't it?
T: Yeah. Hey, what can we do that God can do?
M: Nothing, really because no one is like Him. He is so special. That is why we want to always love Him and obey Him because He does things we can't.
T: Yeah, like heal sick people. If we pray to someone else, they can't heal me, but God can.
M: Yep, your right. Well, look Todd, we just pulled up to Grandma and Grandpa's. (Thank goodness. I need to pray for wisdom on answering a 5 year old's questions on the Holy Spirit)
There you have it. I was in awe of his knowledge and curiosity. Perhaps we should all be that hungry for the understanding of our Lord. It was another realization of the important job we have as parents to help our children develop their on faith and belief in God. I guess I will be ready next time!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
In the past
10 years ago: I was married to Brad even though I was only 21. We had been married 4 months. I was in my junior year of school. I was deep in my major of elementary education. Brad was working many hours at Footlocker counting down the days until I graduated and he could get a job in his actual major. He was determined that I would be able to graduate from Harding.
20 years ago: I would have just turned 11 years old. I was in 4th grade. I was living in Flower Mound, Texas. I was in Mrs. Tweedy's class. She was one of my favorite teachers ever. I was in a class with a lot of special education children. I guess I was already in training for my future job. Those kids would listen to me when they wouldn't listen to the teacher.
30 years ago: I had just turned one. I was really cute. I was good since I had not hit my terrible 2's. I was a happy little baby.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Touch
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007
Cinderella Days

He also played Scooby Doo with me,
Luckily, my Cinderella days are few and far between. Tomorrow we are off to a pumpkin patch. Perhaps my carriage will be waiting!
2. How long have we been together? We have been married 10 years
3. How long did we date? We dated 1 years and were engaged 1year .
4. How old is he? 34
5. Who eats more? He does.
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did.
7. Who is taller? He is.
8. Who sings better? I do.
9. Who is smarter? I really do not know. We are probably have about the same IQ.
10. Who has more of a temper? Mine. He is very laid-back!
11. Who does the laundry? I do most of the time. He will do it if I am busy!
12. Who takes out the trash? He does.
13. Who has sharper computer skills? He does.
14. Who sleeps on the right side? He does.
15. Who pays bills? I do.
16. Who mows the lawn? He does usually. When he was traveling to Chicago, I did.
17. Who cooks? I do however not as much as I should.
18. Who drives when we are together? He does.
19. Who pays when we are out together? He does.
20. Who is more stubborn? Does Todd count? If not, me.
21. Who is first to admit it when they are wrong? Brad
22. Who asked out who? Brad asked me. Funny story. I will have to post that sometime.
23. Who kissed who first? Brad kissed me first.
24. Who is more sensitive? Me by far.
25. Who has more friends? We are about the same. Most of our friends are at church.
26. Who has more siblings? He does. He has 2 half brothers. I have one brother.
27. Who wears the pants? He does but we discuss things. I guess we sort-of share but he is our spiritual leader!
Now, I will tag the three people: Tracy, Becky, and Jeni.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Be Still
Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him. Don't bother with those who climb the ladder, who elbow their way to the top.
Now the second part was not too impacting. However, the words that really drew me in was "Quiet down" or "Be still". Then I was drawn to Psalm 46:10. This passage is one I have read a million times, but I really read it and thought on it this time.
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
It was then that I was lead to a common story. A lesson that I have taught in children's classes and one that I have heard many lessons on in my lifetime. However, it spoke to me in a deeper way than I can even put into words. It was the scripture in Mark 4:38-40.
38Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
39He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
40He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
After reading this, I felt a feeling like I had not felt in quite some time. A feeling of comfort and peace. I could feel myself saying to God, "Lord, why me. Don't you care. I feel like I am drowning in life and do you just sit and watch?" It was then that I heard my Lord whisper to me, "Carrie, be still and be calm. Why are you afraid. Do you still have no faith?" Wow. I was opened to my true self. Why do I question. Why do I wonder if He is present. The same God that watches over me was willing to give His only son for me. Of course he cares! Of course he is there waiting for me.
I realized I have been running. I have been busy so that I do not have to deal with the hurt I have faced. I have been fearful of what trial I would endure next. Sad to say, my prayers have been guarded. Sure I have prayed faithfully but not openly. I have been awaken by the words of these scriptures. I have been told to be still. That is hard. I will leave with these words from a song that allowed me to make it through the loss of our precious baby girl. I sang this song many times with tears flowing from my eyes. I suppose it will always have a big place in my heart. I wished I was an artist. I would draw a picture of my Lord with a hand holding numerous tears. In each tear, would be words or names of things that I have cried over. Some are so insignificant. Others shook my faith but did not keep me down. This is a part of the song by Casting Crowns, " Praise You in this Storm".
And I'll praise you in this storm and i will lift my hands that you are who you are no matter where I am and every tear I've cried you hold in your hand you never left my side and though my heart is torn I will praise you in this storm
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Faith Beasley
So, after some thought, we will always remember my little Faith Leeanne Beasley. This was not what we would have named her on Earth, but since God called her home before we ever met, we will call her Faith because that is all I have left in me after this trial. I have to know that God is good and that His plan is the only right plan not matter what I feel or how bad it hurts right now. So, Baby Faith will be waiting for me and what a happy meeting I will have one day. I love you, Faith but more importantly, I love you Lord!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Mrs. Beasley
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Self Control
Monday, September 03, 2007
Young Families
Brad and I have had it on our hearts for some time to head up a young families ministry. We have decided that is what the Lord is leading us to at this point on our lives. Please be in prayer that we will know God's desire as we begin this endeaver.
Are any of you part of a young families ministry? What is your favorite part about it? Why is is successful or why does it not do too well. We would like to have other people's feedback.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
For Wes- Glory Baby
I was led to this video by a friend from high school. I have a CD of Watermark but I had not heard this song. This really is a beautiful song. One night before we knew for sure we had lost our baby, I was crying and I remember praying and asking God to hold my baby tightly until I can can meet it, if it was to not make it on the earth.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
When it rains..
No, that was not what this was about. It was in response to life these days. First of all, thank you all for the kind words, cards , and flowers. It has been uplifting to receive comments from dear high school friends. I would love to know what is up with all of you! I feel well. Actually better than I had. It seems that the fetus was almost poisoning my body and that is why I had been so sick. Who knew? However, today, we received news that Brad's company had made some changes and he was laid off. Can you believe it? He had not been there long and the hospital changed hands. He was being flown in to Chicago every week. The new CIO decided to cut costs and that was one to be cut. So, here we go again. I told my mom I can't even heal from one episode without another one beginning. I feel like a diamond being beat until I shine. So, continue to pray for my health and now for Brad's job. This is unreal!
So the real thought for the post: when it rains it pours!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
His Will
We heard the news we had hoped not to hear today. We had a miscarriage. There was still not a heartbeat and our tiny baby had not grown any. This was difficult to hear and comprehend. Sure, the intellectual part of me knows that this is much easier than having a child with severe disabilities. I have worked with those kids and their life is so hard. I know that it is God's will but it is still the hardest thing I have had to endure. I will never hear this babies cry. I will never get to see their personality shine. I will never hear them laugh. But one thing I know is that that baby is in the best place it could ever be! I look forward to the day we can finally meet it! I know it will be a joyous day for us.
I will have a D & C on Monday. That will finalize this ordeal. We have talked with our insurance and they will pay for the genetic testing to see if there is something we should be aware of for the future. At this point, we do not know what our future plans will be. The pain is too current and the emotions are too involved. Please pray that the procedure goes well and we can move on with our lives, ever grateful for the vibrant young boy we were blessed with 5 years ago!
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Roman 8:28
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Storm details
Well, as I posted in the last post, we are going through such a storm. As many of you know, Brad and I have tried to have a baby for 3 years. While on vacation, we discovered we were pregnant. It seemed like a dream that I would one day wake up from. I was very cautious at first, but then we began re-arranging our house for this new family member. I went to my Dr. appointment on Thurs. Nothing too odd was mentioned. He wanted me to get an ultrasound to discover exactly how far along I was since we would do a repeat C-Section. He told me to do it within the next 2 weeks. They had an opening that afternoon so I decided to go on and do it. Brad was out of town, but we would have a more in depth one later. After a long process, I was told they could not find a heartbeat. This was devastating news for me. The Dr. said he did not want to make any quick decisions. Therefore, I am to have another ultrasound on Thurs.
Many people have asked what to pray for. Here is how we are praying. Despite how hard it is, we want God's will! If it is within God's will, we want this baby Thurs. to be as healthy as possible!! We KNOW that all things are possible with God's help. However, if it is not God's will, we ask that it be obvious the condition of the baby. We do not want to have to make a difficult decision. I would always doubt my choice. Up to this point, we have had no signs of a problem. If this baby is not to survive, I want that physical sign to be present so I do not have to guess. Please keep us in your prayers. Oh, we had not told Todd that we were expecting. We do not want to have to explain this situation to him. It is hard enough for us to explain it to our self, much less a 5 yr. old who has asked when is God going to give us a baby. I will keep you updated when I can.
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds," James 1:2
I am not totally here yet, but am praying to get there!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Praise You In This Storm
Casting Crowns are one of my favorite groups. This song has amazing lyrics! At this time, I am going through a storm and this video expresses all of my emotions very well. Please pray for me. I will post the details later.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Todd's First Day of School
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Our vacation
Our new toy

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Hard to believe
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Where to begin?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Back to VBS, I really enjoy the creative side, but not the leadership side. I am not a leader mentality. Brad tells me I am better than I give myself credit for, but I feel terrible. I feel so bossy. I would much rather be a worker than leader. We are having a water park theme. I think it will be a lot of fun. We did manage to rent a 30' inflatable water slide for the K-6th graders. Please pray that the VBS is a success and that we reach those that need to be reached. Please pray that we have enough supplies and workers. I will give you an update after it is over.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
10 Things You May Not Know
1). I would ride roller coasters for a living if I had a chance.
2). I am afraid of snakes!
3). I love middle school age kids (I've been told I am crazy for this).
4). My husband and my sister-in-law grew up in the same church and knew each other far before they knew us.
5). I have recently lost over 30 lbs and am still losing more!
6). I would love to be a hearing impaired interpreter.
7). I did not go to my senior banquet (christian school and did not have proms) because the guy I was going with was highly intoxicated. I did not want to go alone, so I chose not to go at all. I regret that I did not go alone to this day.
8). I would love to be a college professor some day,
9). I tutored famous country music star's children and went to their homes.
10). I was dating 2 guys at one time when I was a Harding. One was in Alabama and one became my husband. The other guy kept trying to come and visit and I talked him out of it because he had financial difficulties. It was really because I liked Brad much more and I did not want to break-up with the other guy over the phone.
There you have it!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
It starts early
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
So Proud
Saturday, May 05, 2007
I'm Back
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
God works in mysterious ways..
Monday, April 02, 2007
It's a Journey
2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.
Boy, This is hard. It is hard to take anytime, especially during adversities. Brad found out today that his company laid off 3200 people and his region was one that was let go. It is really hard to look at that as "pure joy". As many of you know, we have had our fair share of adversities in the financial/job category. We have been very blessed with health, however. And we praise GOD for that! When I read this scripture for encouragement, I found something that really jumped out at me. It was verse 6. The message says:
People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.
Worry your prayers..keeping your options open... that is an interesting thought to me. I tend to worry alot. I am sure that is, in large part, a faith issue. However, I claim I like to be prepared. But, prepared for what? What can you really prepare for? Today was a showing that you can't prepare for anything. Could I have save more money, yea, especially if I weren't giving it to church and VBS. Could I have gone to work this year and made more money, sure, if I would have given up this precious time with Todd. Could I, Could I, Could I.. yes, but the truth is in the following verses:
12Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
In the end, this is all that matters. I love the song "Stand in the Rain" by Superchick. So we will stand in the rain and God has promised we want drown.
Lord, we turn to you and know that you will protect us and care for us. It may not be the way we would like, but if it's your will, be done. Just save Todd's innocence in it all! Amen.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Music Tag
1). Calling For a Flood by John Waller- This is a new CD for me and this song is asking God to flood my life with Him and to take over every aspect of me. That is my desire... to be completely filled with Him!
2). Still Calls Me Son by John Waller- This song beautifully describes the love of God. That no matter what I have done or will do, God will be waiting with opened arms.
3). Stand in the Rain by Superchick- This song has been very important to me. The beat in this song is amazing but the words far surpass it. This song discuss that, even though we have pain, we should stand strong because eventually we will make it through the storm and be stronger. This has been such a blessing as I struggled with the inability to have another child. It helped me to realize I could stand in the pain and not drown. That one day, I would be finished with this storm. Powerful song!
4). My Wish by Rascal Flatts- This song is really good. It sums up many of the things I wish for Todd's life.
5). Only Imagine by Mercy Me- This is an older song but it hits me as much today as it did the first time I heard it. I can not wait for the day that I see my Lord. My mind can't fathom how great this is going to be!
6). If you Want Me To by Ginny Owens- This song was a big part of a turning point for me. After our situation in Oklahoma, I was left questioning a lot of things. I was angry and confused with God. I heard this song at a low in my spiritual life and it totally changed my mindset and my heart. My thoughts became lines from this song.."I'm gonna walk through the valley, if you want me to. It may not be the way I would have chosen.. but you never promised it would be easy, you only said I'd never go alone."
7). My Savior My God by Aaron Shust- This song is a good reminder that God is always there and will forever be my God. Todd loves to sing this song and I hope that the message is forever in his head!
8). Be Lifted High by Michael W. Smith- I love all of his music. This is a new song that I came across and loved this line, "And I fall on my knees so that it's You that they see". I hope that is how I live my life!
There you have it. Yes, I do listen to other songs that are not by christian artists. I just have so many that are that impact me daily!
I tag:
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Weight Loss
Monday, March 12, 2007
It's been forever
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Facing The Giants

Monday, February 19, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Who is this kid?
Todd has really been into Cars (from the Disney movie) ever since he saw it the first time. Brad and I enjoyed the movie as well, but we do not enjoy racing. Todd saw us flipping channels and racing was on. He asked to watch it. Brad and I could not believe it. I would rather get a root canal than watch racing (OK not that bad but almost). He watched it for a minute. He then asked when it would be over. I informed him it still had 100 laps to go. He said,"Are you kidding me! Never mind". Brad and I laughed and we relieved all at once.
Tonight, Todd was playing with his collection of Cars. He loves to race the main race cars from the movie (King, McQueen, and Chick Hicks). He gives us play by plays of who is leading and who has crashed. Tonight he looked at us and said" The King is in the lead but he only has a slim lead". Brad and I looked at each other and laughed. I thought it was so funny to say a slim lead. You just never know what he is going to say!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
My Wish

My Wish
I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow
Steve Robson, Jeffrey Steele© 2006 V2 Music Publishing Limited (BMI), Jeffrey Steele Music (BMI) All rights on behalf of V2 Music Publishing Limited administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing, 8 Music Square West, Nashville, TN 37203. All rights on behalf of Jeffrey Steele Music administered by BPJ Administration, PO Box 218061, Nashville TN 37221-8061. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Is this real?

Monday, January 29, 2007
Random thoughts
This brings me to my next idea.. VBS. I do not know about your area churches, but here participation has been down the last few years. I am looking at heading up our VBS at church. I will bw in charge of everything from choosing the material to getting the people and crafts. This is stepping out of the box for me. I am not a good leader. I am going to see if there is enough interest and if so I am the leader. We are going to a 1 day VBS because the summers are so short. It seems there are not enough weeks to make VBS an entire week. Please pray for the church that they will step up and for me that I can do this. Especially pray that we can reach lost souls. Pray that I will know what to do to get them to hear God's message!!
I will keep you posted!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The tag instructions...
1) Grab the book closest to you
2) Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence
3) Post the text of the following 3 sentences
4) Name the author and book title
5) Tag three people to do the same
Here it is..
"Ask yourself, your spouse, and your friends:what sets this child apart? Childhood tendencies forcast adult abilities. Read them. Discern them. Affirm them. Cheerlead them.
Cure For the Common Life by Max Lucado.
I tag.. Tracy, Franklin, and Cory
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Are you kidding?

Thursday, January 04, 2007
A time of reflection
2006 was a good year. It had a lot of eventful things to remember.
We were very blessed for Brad to get a new job. Todd and I have enjoyed having Brad around more and for him to be far less stressed. He works less time and gets paid more. God truly was watching over us and leading us in this decision.
We have been very involved in church this year. After many paiful years, we decided we were ready to get involved with the teens again. We teach the middle school class and we love it!!! We have also stayed very connected with our church family this year and developed very important relationships.
Todd turned 4 years old and started preschool. He loves school and is doing well. This has been a year full of excitement for him! He is smart and witty so he keeps us laughing!
My mom's health seems to be doing well. She had no new lesions and that was a good sign!! We pray that God will continue to bless her with health.
I had a lot of personal health bills this year due to my gall bladder. I am relieved that it was nothing more serious but I do not understand how something so small can be so expensive!!
Now for things in 2007...
Todd will turn 5!! That is impossible for me to believe! Time has gone so fast that I can't believe it. He will also begin Kindergarten. This is exciting to him and sad to me. Where has the time gone?
Since Todd will be in school full time and we have no other children (as of yet), I will be looking for a teaching job. I look forward to the extra cash, but not the time and effort that it will require. Please keep me in your prayers that I will find a job that will be a good fit.
We are working hard to pay off debt. This has aquired since we moved from Oklahoma and were tight on money. We want to pay it off!!!
We are going to Winterfest in Gatlinburg, TN. This is a youth rally I attended as a teen and I am looking forward to returning. It was a big highlight and uplifting time for me each year.
I want to be more focused on Christ's vision for me than ever before. I want to truly seek his face this year.
I know this year will be a great year. I look forward to a lot of firsts and a lot of memories. I pray that you all have a wonderful 2007 that is blessed and happy. May God lead us all to be better people that shine brighter for Him and affect more people!